My name is Catherine but everyone calls me Cathy.
I am 16 years old. I have brown and blonde ombré hair. My hair is medium sized length. I'm 5'2, I'm pretty short for my age.
I live with my mom, and my two sisters, Kassandra, she's 8 years old, and Abigail, who is 4 years old. We live in California. My parents divorced when I was 8. Back then I was an only child. I was unstable for one year, but I managed to get through it with the help of my best friend, Chelsea.
Chelsea is like a sister to me. She's always been there for me, and always knows exactly what to say. She has long, beautiful and silky brown hair. She's 5'3, an inch taller than I am. We've been friends, like forever! How? Because Chelsea's mom was my mom's best friend. Weird right? Well, that's the reason we're best friends. We've been around each other all our lives. We went to the same elementary school, middle school, and we're currently going to the same high school.
Where the journey of life begins...