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             Hello! Thank you so much for checking out our book! This is our first one written by two people doing who knows what with their lives. I hope you enjoy, we thought it was an interesting concept that we wanted to see come to life. The book is fairly unedited so constructive feedback is appreciated, but bullying and hate isn't tolerated. Do not copy our original writing or we will have no choice but to [insert something that sounds somewhat threatening here]. Anyways on with the story :)




"You're an idiot! Such a worthless, good for nothing piece of shit! Where the hell  is my lighter?" my mother shrieked, she was so close I could feel her spit splatting onto my face.

"I don't know," I respond, my shoes seemed awfully fascinating at the moment, "I'll get you a new one when I get some dinner for us."

Hesitantly, I looked up again, but instead of meeting the furious gaze of my mother I just see a tired broken soul.

"Okay," she whispered as she turned to go lay down on the couch littered with food crumbs and soda cans.

I tugged at my sleeve and used it to brush the tears and spit off of my face. Then, I grabbed my purse as I headed to see Eliyah, my boyfriend and the love of my life.


Unknown P.O.V.

"I'm doing this for love," I muttered as I reached out to grab the final thing I needed.

My hand trembled as I held onto the small vial, probably from my lack of sleep, but all this hard work is going to pay off. I'm helping people.

Are you really helping people?  my conscience spoke up. I blocked my inner conflict out of my head as my shaking hand poured the contents of the small vial into my serum.


It's finally done all of my hard work hasn't been put to waste, maybe I'll actually get some sleep tonight, but I doubt it. Chuckling to myself, I grabbed a sleek black leather case that I carefully placed the serum into. I headed out the door to begin phase two of my plan.

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