Chapter 15

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Ashton's POV

She was just standing there, looking beautiful, with her eyes closed. Everything about her looked sad, but she could even pull that emotion off beautifully. The wind caught her hair just right and it blew a little bit to the right. She didnt know I was there, and i didnt want her to know for just a couple more seconds.

It was like the sun was radiating around her, she looked magnificent in her bikini. It was yellow and showed off her legs perfectly. Her dark brown roots were showing through her professionally died blonde hair, but I think it looked good. Then again, anything she did looked good in my eyes.

The water was sloshing across her feet when I tapped her shoulder. She jumped so high up in the air and yelped, I hadn't meant to scare her. "Hi Jen!" I said with a smile on my face hiding a laugh really well.

"Ashton! You scared me half to death! What are you doing here?" She asked trying to calm herself down. She looked soo beautiful. If that stupid Grant hadn't been going out with her, she would have been mine to call baby.

I grinned and chuckled,"I'm on vacation been here a week already. How about you, what are you doing here?" She was so cute.

"Vacation and getting away from all the craziness back home." She said smiling sadly. I nodded letting it go, it had to be a touchy subject for her, and I'm sure she's tired of the much asked question of how she's doing.

Instead I asked, "Hey my stuff is right over there, wanna come sit with me?"

She smiled, a happy one, and it was real not fake. "Yeah, sure." She was going to grab her sstuff but I jumped in front of her and grabbed it before she could.

We walked over to my spot and I layed her stuff down. All I could think about was how incredibly beautiful she is. She deserved so much better than that chunk of meat that the cat left on the doorstep, whose name is Grant. Then again she deserves so much better than me. She made the right decision calling it off with him, and I'm not the only one who says that, if I was it would be a little bit biased.

"Thank you." She caught me by surprise by thanking me out of nowhere.

I turned towards her confused.

"You haven't asked me once how I have been doing. I really needed that."

I smiled and said your welcome and moved on. We talked for a while and then agreed to meet up later. I could have talked longer, but she had to go. I already had an idea of what we would do, this was the first time in a long time that I really felt happy and good in and out.

I walked back to our beach house with a stupid smile on my face the whole time, there wasnt anything that could take it away. Well, at least thats what I thought.

When I got to our door it was wide open. I stopped and dropped my stuff. I ran in through the door, but everyone was gone. It was uncannily quiet and I knew something bad was happening. When I reached my mom and dads room upstairs, I stopped in my tracks. There was a trail of blood leading into the room. I ran back downstairs and grabbed the largest and shapest knife from the kitchen, then made my way back upstairs quietly.

I opened the door and it sqeaked loudly, making me flinch. My heart was beating so fast I thought it might jump out. After recovering from the squeak quickly I slowly made my way in the room surveying everything in my line of sight. Anything that looked out of place, anything that didnt look right. I followed the trail of blood to the side fo the bed I couldnt see when first entering the room and saw the thing I feared the most. There was nothing. The trail of blood led to a puddle in the deep white carpet, but there was no body. But, there was a note typed in a scroll that was beautiful, but used in an evil way.


I'm afraid it led to this. You messed with the wrong girl hon, and for that you WILL pay. I'm tired of dealing with her and you are the way to get to her. I swear, if you break it off with her or let her break whatever it is you have with her, I will come for you and then Jen. Poor Jen, with her dead sister. She's been through so much, ha, but what do I care? Anyways, the blood you see on the floor isnt enought to kill, but it is enough for the person to pass out. Your family is with me, and wouldnt it be sad to see the next person coming up dead be YOUR sister? Oh and she was easy to capture, she fought but she just didnt have enough strength did she? I bet she was so excited when your mom finally agreed to let her go to the beach for the first time. She wont make that mistake again. Wait a second, your sister is the one with the rare bone disease right? The one where her bones are like fragile glass and it doesnt take much to break those. Dont worry she isnt to hurt. Well, not as much as I would like. So, what do I want. That's for me to know and you to find out. We'll be in touch. And dont give this note to the police, I'm watching and if you hand it over, Jen and your sister will pay. That's all for now! Tootles!

This person has my sister?! Sarah has Osteoporosis, a rare disease that makes her bones weakens the bones and increases the risk of fracture. She is basically always walking on glass and has to be extremely careful. She begged my mom for months to come to the beach. My mom was persistently saying no, but I could see her barrier breaking everytime Sarah asked. It wouldnt be to much longer before my mom agreed as long as Sarah was always in her sight. My mom would never have gone on this vacation if she had known Sarah had been in so much danger. Then again, none of would have come. I pulled out my phone with shaky hands and called the Bahama police. Then put the note in my pocket. I didnt know what to do so I stood there and looked at the blood-stained floor. What in the world was I going to do now?

Jen's POV

Walking back to the resort was amazing. I felt like I was walking on sunshine the whole time and couldnt wipe the smile off my face. The beach was crowded with people of all ages. There were little kids running around chasing each other and mothers frantically trying to keep their child in sight, while still kicking back and relaxing. One woman was having trouble keeping her little boy still enough to put sunscreen on. I walked over and entertained the boy so she could kepp her son, sun-safe. She thanked me gratefully and smiled, I just smiled and told her anytime.

I saw all the happy couples just smiling or holding hands and talking. That could be me soon I thought to myself unintentially. I didnt think I would move on from Grant so fast, but I felt like I could trust Ashton with my life.

I pranced in my door almost an hour later, after strolling back home. I wasnt in any rush. I smiled happily at everyone, they were all gathered in the kitchen. My smile slowly disappeared when I saw the looks on their faces. My mom was on the phone nodding her head solemnly. My dad walked over and hugged me.

I looked up at him and asked, "Whats going on daddy?"

"They let Grant out on bail. And apparently a kid from your school is here in the Bahamas as well, Ashton something, his family was kidnapped this afternoon while he was on the beach."

I gasped and sunk to the ground at the news of both things weighing on my shoulders. Grant wwas out and while Ashton was on the beach with me his family was kidnapped. My dad picked me up and I sunk into him and cried. I cried until I fell asleep with my dad holding me, my mom stroking my hair, and my aunt holding my hand. My aunt murmured something under her breath right before I slipped into a saddened sleep.

Authors Note: Please! Dont kill me! *Ducks at the tomatoes being thrown in her face.* I know I know! Its been FOREVER since I updated. But it kept you on your seats... right? Alright I give you permission to temporarily hate me, but not the story! Dont blame the story! Haha so what do you think? Who kidnapped Ashtons family? Trouble just seems to follow Jen everywhere. Ummmmmmmmmm, if you dont know what Osteoporosis is google it, its really quite sad. Anywayssssssss, I hope to upload sooon..... xx -Emily

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