Special Education

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(Next week)

(In the glee club)

Finn: (With Rachel)

Tony: (With Santana)

Finn: How about we have a double date.

Santana: I don't know if I want to.

Tony: (covers her mouth) Yeah sounds good.

Santana: (licks his hand)

Tony: (doesn't move his hand)

Santana: (Puts her tongue in his hand)

Tony: (still doesn't move his hand)

Santana: (grips his friend)

Tony: (groans, turns to her) No.

Santana: (Keeps her hand there)

Tony: Baby. Stop.

Santana: (mumbles in his hand)

Tony: What?

Santana: Take your hand off. (mumbles)

Tony: Im going to say it again let go of my friend and ill let go of your mouth.

Rachel: Eww youre actaully doing that here?

Santana: (mumbles)

Tony: Seriously let go.

Santana: (doesn't let go)

Tony: Santana. (demanding voice)

Santana: (squeezes it super hard)

Tony: (lets go of her mouth and puts his hands on his friend)

Santana: Well at least I know that will work.

Tony: (Still holding his friend) Alright thats a good move but seriously that hard?

Santana: (kisses his lips)

Rachel: I hate to admit it you guys are the cutest couple in this school.

(Will comes in)

Will: Alright so now that Kurt left we need another person. Puckerman you got this.

Santana: (To Rachel) You know youre boyfriend never told you that me and him did it last year.

Tony: (sad. Gets up and leaves)

Santana: Wait Tony!

(Hits the lockers)

Santana: Baby?

Tony: (hits the lockers harder)

Santana: Tony stop it!

Tony: No. Why did you do it Santana?

Santana: We were fighting. I needed someone. And it so happened to be frankenstein. (tries to touch him)

Tony: Dont. Just don't alright. (walks away from her)

Santana: (break down)

(Two days later at Sectionals)

Tony: (Doesn't talk to anyone)

Rachel: Alright I can't go on stage with him. (points to Finn)

Tony: Im not going on stage with her. (points to Santana)

Tina: Me neither.

Artie: Me neither.

Will: Are you listening to you guys right now? We went on last year with no playlist. Now we are family. So for 6 minutes we are going to remember that.

Glee- Santana Lopez Love Story (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now