Opening Theme 2

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Played after a small teaser. Use for episodes 17 through 29. A muted version of the battle music plays over the credits with muted boss battle music playing over episodes with boss battles.

Music by: Toshiyuki Sudo, Shinji Ushiroda, Yumi Takahashi, Megumi Inoue

Lyrics by: Daphne Tett

Sung by: Daph-Nii

Square 1, that is where I am,
walking on the desert sand,
But that, that will not stop me on my
quest to save Miitopia, no lie.

Good, bad, it's the same to me,
Traveling with family.
I guess that anything really can
happen in Miitopia, right then.

Times have changed, tables have turned,
but hot as the sun, the fire inside still burns.
I long for victory
for him, for her, for everybody!

People might think that I'm just one girl,
but I will rock the world.
This is a time of freedom and release
right here in Miitopia, a land of peace!

(End credit music for episodes 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, and 26)

(End credit music for episode 22)

(End credit music for episodes 24, 25, and 27)

(End credit music for episode 28)

(End credit music for episode 29)

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