Shut Up (Ianthony)

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I had an angry!Ian/douchey!Anthony + cheeky!Ian/angry!Anthony plot-bunny in my head and this happened. No disrespect is geared toward Kalel or Melanie, or even Anthony or Ian. This is all a story, folks.

Literally all I ever write is smut and angst, so if I have to warn you now, you’re clearly not paying attention. However, if you are new to my stories, hello, I’m Kalina and I write hella angst and hecka smut and it involves Ianthony always so if you don’t like smut, angst, OR Ianthony, this is not the story for you. 

Anthony pushed the front door to the Smosh house open and he smiled. While he loved living in LA, there was nothing like coming back here, to what he believed was truly home. After all, he and Ian had lived together for a long time before they’d both moved out. 

Until now, he thought to himself. 

Ever since Ian and Melanie had broken up, Ian had been staying there alone. No Melanie, no Anthony, no Daisy, no Charlie. Even the fish had stayed with Melanie. 

While Anthony was certain that Ian was okay, he still wanted to check in on him and make sure that his assumption was true.

“Ian!” he called, tossing his keys onto the counter.

A quick swipe of the two front rooms showed that there was no one in them. He sighed, assuming that Ian was in either his room or the shower. Thankfully, his car had been in the garage. Anthony hadn’t told him that he was coming, which, granted, was pretty stupid. But Ian should’ve been there. 

He didn’t have much time to think about it, as he settled down on the sofa and propped his feet up on the coffee table, because the front door swung open shortly after. 

To his relief, it was Ian. “Anthony?” he asked, slinging a gray cotton jacket onto the kitchen table. 

Anthony jumped up, grinning. “Hey Ian, sorry to barge in, but-” 

Ian chuckled. “You’re not barging in, dude. This is our house, remember?” 

Anthony nodded. “I suppose that’s true. I just…I wanted to check on you, you know?” 

Instantly, Ian’s face fell and he stared down at his shoes. “Y-yeah, well…I’m fine. Just fine.”

Anthony could tell by Ian’s reaction that he was anything but. “Hey, it’s okay to be upset, Ian. After all, Melanie was your first and only girlfriend and you guys were together seven years, so-”

Ian shook his head. “Seriously, I’m fine.” He then slid his shoes off and trotted over to the couch. He sat down and grabbed the television remote, flicking it to South Park, a TV show he and Anthony had both loved for years.

Anthony watched silently, unsure of what to do. Ian had never shut him out before. They’d always been able to speak about things that bothered them…well, almost everything. There was one thing that Anthony had never truly shared with Ian. But besides that they didn’t. 

“I…Ian, are you sure you’re okay?” Anthony asked tentatively sitting down beside him. 

Ian laughed. “Of course, Anth. If I wasn’t, I wouldn’t be watching South Park, I’d be watching The Notebook or some shit, right?” 

Anthony faked a smile, just as he knew Ian had faked his laugh. “I guess so. I just…I know you really loved Melanie and it was really shitty of her to break up with you after so long.” 

Ian stopped watching the cartoon and stared at Anthony. “She didn’t break up with me exactly, Anthony. It was something we both wanted. It wasn’t shitty of her.” 

Shut Up (Ianthony)Where stories live. Discover now