Hidden - Happy Lowman

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Miley's POV

It was a normal day at the tattoo shop.  It was about 9pm and I was finishing up with my last client.  Once I got paid and the client left I start to clean and lock up, I was blasting my rock playlist until I got hit in the head and everything went black.

Happy's POV

*you have reached the voicemail of...* "Fuck!" I slam the phone on the bar table frustrated as hell.  Miley hasn't answered any of my calls or texts and it's midnight.  She can't still be tattooing.
I start to get up and leave to go to her shop. 
"Brother, you good?" Jax asked me concerned.
"No." I grumbled walking to my bike and taking off.  I got to my old ladies shop and noticed her car was in the parking lot and the door was still unlocked, expecting her to be here I see no one but her purse still on the counter but her phone smashed.  I looked over and saw... blood.
"Oh no, baby girl" I mumble not noticing a tear falling down my cheek.
I looked over to the mirror and see a message marked in sharpie.
This has to Darby.
That's why I never told anyone about my old lady, not even the club.  The only one who knows is my mom.  It's too dangerous with my job I don't want her getting hurt and that is what exactly happened.
I get up and run to my bike and take off to Teller-Morrow.  I broke every traffic law.  I pull into the TM lot and drop my bike without even putting the kickstand out.  Jax, Bobby, Juice and Chibs were outside at the picnic table.
I run to them, tears down my eyes.  The big bad Tacoma Killer who doesn't care about anyone is crying in front of his brothers.
"What's wrong brother?" Jax asked standing up.
"I-i" realizing I'm so fucked up in the head right now I can't talk.  So many emotions are going through my head right now.  Scared, Upset, Angry, Infuriated.  Darby is going to die.  You don't take anyone's old lady especially not mine.
Im finally able to think enough to speak.
"I-I need you guys to track down Darby.  NOW." I growled.
"Ay Hap What's Goin On Lad?" Chibs asked
"I don't have time to explain I need Darby now!" As soon as I said that Juice yelled "Got him!"
I ripped the address out of his hand and ran towards my bike.  Taking off not bothering about a helmet.
I look in one of my mirrors and see my brothers catching up with me.
I guess they were going to find out sooner or later..
I reached Darby's lair not bothering on waiting for the guys directions or help.
Guns blazing I just start shooting everyone there.  Hearing more gunshots I turn and see my brothers right behind me.


I woke up with a pounding headache in a dark room tied to a chair with my mouth covered.  I can feel the blood dripping down my head.  I hear gunshots.
I know it's Happy.  My husband of 7 years.  The door swings open and I see my knight in shining leather and blood. 
"Oh baby girl.." he says softly.  He takes off the tape off my mouth and takes his knife out and cuts the rope that tied my hands.
"Hap.." I croaked out "I'm so sorry baby" he cried.
"Happy.. baby.. look at me" I said grabbing his face to look at mine."
"You have no reason to be sorry.  We tried everything we can to be secretive.  It's not your fault."
"I love you little girl." He softly said in my ear as he kept leaving little kisses on my neck and ear being careful not to hurt me.
"I love you too Happy." I smiled at him as we shared a soft subtle kiss which we usually aren't used to. 
He scooped me up and carried me bridal style as I wrapped my arms around his neck.  I buried my face in the crook of his neck holding on tightly.
"Hap, we cant go to the hospital.  Just call Tara please.  We can't have anyone asking questions about this." I said as he nodded to me.
I didn't personally know Tara but Happy has told me about her.  About everyone.  They just don't know about me.  I know about his smiley tattoos hell.. I'm the one that tattoos them, him being the hitman for the club, what the club does, how Happy barley talks but when he's with me I can't get him to shut up sometimes.  I love my husband and if that meant keeping me a secret then so be it.

Everyone is just looking at Happy not saying a word, some with their jaws dropped wondering what the Tacoma killer is doing with a petite girl wrapped in his arms.
Who is she?

Happy's POV

I walk out of the house ignoring all the stares from the club.  I walk to the van that mentally thanking Half Sac for driving instead of the bike.
I put Miley in the front seat and buckle her up.  I kiss her on the lips and feel the stares bore into my back even more.
I look at half sac then look at my wife.  I look at half sac again and hand him the keys to my bike grumbling "here" "This will be the first and last time you ride my bike.  I'm staying with my old lady"
Ignoring the even more confused stares from the club and I glare at them all and say "I'll tell you later."
Walking to the van and driving off.

On the way to the clubhouse, Miley was really shaken up. I grabbed her hand and she jumped which broke my heart.
"I'm sorry baby girl" I say softly
"It's okay Happy, it's not your fault."
"Yes it is!" I said a little to loud causing her to flinch again..
"I'm sorry... if we weren't together then this would've never happened. You wouldn't of gotten hurt.."
"Well guess what Happy?" She said with a bit of an attitude and I can see the hurt on her face.
"I am with you, I been married to you for 7 years and with you for 9. Nothing is going to change that and I mean NOTHING. You're my old man and I don't want anything to change." She said
"I love you so much baby girl. That won't change, I'll just make sure you're more protected." I grabbed her hand slowly to not startle her
A few minutes later she was sleeping peacefully.

I pulled up to the clubhouse with my brothers following behind me. I picked Miley up and brought her into my dorm.
Not wanting to wake up her up yet I did the best I could cleaning her face, arms and legs with a washcloth and changed her into one of my SAMCRO T-shirts. As soon as I finished there was a knock on the door.
"Come in"
Tara walked in with her med kit.
"Hap, I got this from here, you have some explaining to do with the guys.."
"Thank you Tara..." and left the dorm to go explain to the guys.
"Alright Happy, who is that?" Clay asked.
"I heard you say she's your old lady?" Tig piped up.
"Can I explain then you ask questions?" I said in an annoyed tone.
For fucks sake let me talk.
"That's Miley.  My old lady.  She works at the tattoo shop.  We've been married for 7 years.  Together for 9.  No kids though."
"Why didn't you tell us about her?" Jax asked looking like he is hurt one of his brothers was living a double life.
"I didn't want her to get hurt.  I figured keeping her hidden from everyone would be a safe bet but I guess wrong.. We have a house right outside of Charming."

I heard a door open and small footsteps walk down the hall. I look over and see the love of my life with gauze on her temple and Tara is right next to her.
"She's all patched up Happy." Tara said with a smile
Miley looked at her and whispered a "thank you so much" and looked at me with wanting eyes.
"Hey baby." I said
She whispered "Hi" so softly you can barely hear and sits on my lap and cuddles into my neck.
"I love you so much Happy, thank you for saving me."
"I love you baby girl. Always. I will be here until my last breath." As I kissed her head holding onto her tight.
This is where I want to be. This is who I will fight and kill for.
My Queen.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2023 ⏰

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