chapter one: egotistic

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(AJ's pov)

"So this is the AJ Lee! Former general manager, and longest-reigning diva's champion."

"Who wants to know?"

"Aimee Garcia. It's a pleasure to be talking to such a talented person. Well.. dialing. I just wanted to get to know the biggest douche in the universe. Wanna go grab a drink or something?"

"How about we go to an Arcade and I'll make it a deal."


It's actually the very first time in a while for someone to purposefully call me and ask me to hang out. Most of my incoming calls were either work-related or a butt dial from co-workers, and mostly from my mom. Ahh Janet, if only you knew how much I loved hearing you gossip about me to my aunties.

It makes me wonder how Aimee actually got my number, she was familiar since I recognize her from Dexter so I'm guessing that she had connections, or else I would've gotten even more creeped out. The way she told me about my accomplishments made me realize something, I have everything. I have achieved many things from my years in the WWE, having a huge platform, a former general manager, becoming the longest-reigning diva's champion, even defeating all of the roster at WrestleMania. I'm in the mix of having this huge ego, yet tamed with the feeling of boredom. Now don't get me wrong, I get this adrenaline from every victory I achieve, but that match at WrestleMania XX.. What could ever give me that feeling once more?

I grabbed my cup of coffee off the counter as I watch the monitor, waiting for my queue. Before I could even take a sip of the bitter flavor of my beverage, it was knocked out of my hands by a rushing, taller figure, creating a large puddle just right next to me.

"Oh God.. I am so. sorry!" I've never heard that voice before. I look up to see a tall pale woman in tacky, purple colored gear. "I'm such an idiot.." Guessing by her reaction she was pretty new here as she kept checking if she had splattered the drink on me, getting a bit too close for my personal space.

Before I could give her a piece of my mind, the ref had called me out for my promo. I sighed, "Next time watch where you're going, Barney." giving the girl one last death glare before making my way to the stage as I was met with my bodyguard, Tamina. I couldn't really tell what she's thinking of since she usually has the same facial expression. I sometimes ask myself if she ever regrets helping me, I don't even pay her.

I skipped my way to the ring, hearing a mix of loud cheers and boos, oh if only they knew how much I didn't give a shit. The universe is the least of my worries right now.

I took the mic from the corner of the ring and made my way to the center. "Two.. ninety-five,"

"For two hundred and ninety-five days I have been your diva's champion... the longest reigning diva's champion of all time. And a couple of months ago I stood at the top of that stage and I tore all the divas a much deserved new one; but I gave them a chance, I gave them two hundred and ninety-four days to prove me wrong, and they couldn't. And last night, they proved that I am the hero of this story."

I didn't even notice the smirk that was creeping on my face, the crowd was cheering with excitement, knowing that what I'm saying is more than the truth until they hushed into silence. "Last night at WrestleMania it was AJ Lee vs the world! But it's always been that way. The odds were 13 to 1 and I overcame those odds, just like I've been overcoming the odds my entire life. I've gone from being a poor girl from New Jersey to being the best diva in the world. I am the savior of the diva's division.. I am the diva's division."


A new theme song was the only thing that had caught my attention. How I loved a new challenge. My eyes had made it's way to the stage, and then to the woman who was slowly making her way to the ring. As she walked towards me I begin to study her features,


That fucker.

Hey there! This is actually my first time writing a serious fanfiction, I'd honestly love to hear feedback from you guys. The reason I made this fanfic was that I ran out of PaiJ stories to read, I've read all of them and I kept patiently waiting for more, then I realized that I could make my own. Even if this wasn't expertly made I hope you people enjoy, and I'd love to hear any criticism to evolve whatever this is.

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