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Jungkook woke up with a huge headache and the urge to puke. He had gone to a university frat party at Hoseok's place and holy shit did he regret it now. Jungkook got up holding his head and walking to the kitchen still in the clothes he wore yesterday. He grabbed a glass filling it with tap water and some aspirin leaning on the sink as he took the medication. When he was done he downed the glass of water going to the freezer to get something microwavable.

You see, Jungkoook couldn't cook. It's kook not cook. He searched until he found the last pizza pocket his roommate must of left for him. He was living in his university dorms with his roommate and friend Kim Yugyeom. Nice guy but he couldn't cook for shit either. He also brought home new girls every other day even though what they'd do is against the rules he never got in trouble and Jungkook would always have to stay at Yoongi's dorm since his ass was so lonely.

Jungkook had other friends but they also fucked so he couldn't stay there. The lonely turtle grandpa Yoongi was his last hope at survival on those nights. He appreciated Yoongi but if he was put in a place to chose between Yoongi and Jin hyung's lamb skewers Yoongi would go last.

Jungkook threw the hot pocket on a plate and into the microwave and stared at nothing with his elbows resting on the counter holding his head while waiting. He liked to stare at nothing as if he was in some dramatic music video all the time when really he was thinking about wether it's really grey or dark white. Finally the microwave stopped and jungkook was able to eat something. He had to have something in his system before class dancing on an empty stomach isn't exactly the best idea.

After a few minutes Jungkook was done and hopped in the shower. It felt relaxing as the hot steamy water soaked all his muscles and ran down his back all over his skin. To be honest Jungkook didn't relax much between his 2 jobs and helping Joonie hyung with his music and school it was all a little much which is why he went to parties and let lose sometimes.

He stepped out of the shower towel drying leaving a towel sitting on top of his head and one around his waist walking to his room for clothes. He decided on his normal jeans, white t-shirt, timberlands look. He added a beanie on top after drying his hair which was now parshly curled and fluffy. He played with his raven hair a bit in front of the mirror before grabbing his bag of extra clothes shoes sweat rags and water and heading to class.

As he arrived he went to a corner of the room and began stretching before a short boy came in the room. He must have been a new student because Jungkook didn't recognize him. He was short with orange peach pinky hair, plump lips, and the thighs and ass of a God. But he wasn't Jungkook's type. Seductive, yes. But Jungkook just doesnt see the new short boy in that way. He walked to he corner opposite of Jungkook stretching as they awkwardly made eye contact the shorter of the two turning red.

"So what's your name newbie?" Jungkook asked smirking at the effect he had. Jimin was no longer red but glared at Jungkook before rolling his eyes. "It's Jimin you stupid bunny." Jungkook nodded. "Okay then gnome I'm Jungkook." He said giving a fake smile his eye twitching from his struggle to stop himself from choking Jimin out.

Class started and they practiced the choreography to manolo that they'd been learning. Jimin was good but Jungkook didn't care the gnome was still an asshole and when it was time to congratulate he threw his shoe as hard as possible at the small boys calf. Jimin whined before looking at Jungkook. "Fucking bunny boy."

"Foolish gnome." Jungkook says sticking his tongue out. He took a long swig of water not noticing the door open until a boy not as short as Jimin but still smaller then Jungkook himself came in the room and grabbed Jimin's arm smiling. Je'd never wished to be a gnome in his life but there's a first time for everything.

"Hi hyungie how was your class?" The boy asked his voice surprisingly deep for how cute and feminine he looked but it was still hot and gave him shivers. His voice was deep and sexy but not the way his body was sexy he had a small waist and round hips, narrow shoulders, beautiful legs. He had such pretty proportions but god damn his voice was hot. He smiled at Jimin as Jimin began speaking but Jungkook was busy staring at the face of the one Jimin was speaking to. He had beautiful blue hair that hung over his forehead and beautiful brown eyes that looked so pretty. He had a boopable nose with a little old on it. He also had a mole on his beautiful golden tan cheek. Then when he smiled Jungkook's heart skipped three beats and he died inside but was revived by the sunshine that was his smile. He had a rectangular smile that made his eyes scrunch slightly and his cheeks puff a little. He was so ethereal was he even real.

Jungkook snapped out of it when Jimin said his name again. "This is the only person I know here but he's a stupid bunny named Jungkook so don't go near him Taehyung, ok?" Taehyung didn't respond not even a nod he kind of stared at me for a little I thought maybe I was intimadating so I gave him a smile and tried to be cute I probably failed though cause he grabbed Jimin and scurried away.

I always fuck good shit up. I turned out gay and ruined my relationship with my parents. I can't cook so Yugyeom has to eat frozen shit. I could be friends with Jimin but nooo, and now I cant even smile without messing something up.

I ignore my thoughts and walk into the hallway where girls are already drooling over me they are fuking disgusting sluts. Especially Jennie, Lisa, Joy, and Hyune(I LOVE THEM PLASE DONT ATTACK ME). I rolled my eyes walking fast toward my dorm since I didn't have any other classes that day. But when I got there I realized something.

"Where is Yugyeom's stuff and who's is this?"

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