Chapter 1

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I groaned as my alarm sounded. I reached over, hit snooze and rolled over, quickly falling back asleep. All too soon the alarm sounded again. Reluctantly I got up to start the day. Opening my blinds to find a beautiful, Isabella Henry, the most popular girl in school, captain of the lacrosse team and my next door neighbor. She also has no idea I exist. From what I could see she wore ripped skinny black jeans, and a white crop top. Her toned abs were visible under her shirt. Her brown hair fell perfectly by her side and she never wore any makeup. I made my way to my closet before she noticed me staring and picked out an outfit. I started with a black bralette, black nike shorts and my red, white and blue vans socks.
"Megan, honey-" I turned to see my mom standing in the doorway.
   "Mom you can knock you know." I said.
   "I hope you know you're not wearing those shorts to school." She warned.
   "Mom i'm 17, they're not even that short."
   "Change them, and put them in my room so i can throw them away. End of story. I also have something else i need to talk to you about." She stated seriously. "We can talk about it on the way though you're going to be late."
   She walked out and I put a hoodie on and changed my shorts into joggers, put my hair up in a ponytail and grabbed an apple before meeting my mom in the car.
   "Megan, I got a job offer in Europe. I leave in two days." She told me as she pulled out the driveway.
   "Mom what about school? It's only 7 months until graduation."
   "Well, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. You could stay if you wanted, or you could come with."
   "You mean live by myself?"
   "Well, if you chose to stay, your cousin Lauren would be staying with you. I'll only be gone a year."
   "I wanna stay." We pulled up to the school and I got out. "Love you, bye." I said before closing the doors.
   "Aw, her mommy still drives her to school how cute." Chelsea Motley, head cheerleader, queen bitch, ugly attitude.
   "You need her to hold your hand too?" Britney Read, sidekick. They laughed.
   "Just leave me be." I stated.
   "Baby, come on." I hear Isabella walking closer to us.
   "Gladly, my girl wants me." Chelsea smirked, making sure to push my shoulder on her way. Just as she left, Rachel came walking up.
   "Hey Rach." I smiled.
   "Chelsea and Britney back on their bullshit?" She asked as we started to make our way to class.
   "Of course." I laughed. "Honestly I don't even know what I've done to her."
   "Well it probably has something to do with the fact that you have a big fat crush on her girlfriend and you probably be watching her through your window." She joked.
   "I do not have a crush." I said firmly.
   "Girl it's obvious with the way you be looking at her in class."
   "Shut up." I responded. I took my seat next to her. We continued to talk about music I wrote, how bad I did on the last test and my mom leaving until Mrs. Brown started class.
   "I have results from the test." She started. " We have 6 As, 9 Bs, 4 C's, 3 D's, and no F's. I'm sure we all could guess who had the highest grade, Mrs. Isabella Henry with a 97."
   "How is it that she is so good at everything." Rachel whispered. "She's got perfect grades, she's the top player and the captain of lacrosse, she's the daughter of a multi-millionaire and she's hot."
   "Rachel, shut up." I said as I received my text. It had a big red D on the front. "Why is math so hard? It's the only subject I struggle with." I complained.
   "You should talk to Mrs.Brown about getting a tutor." Rachel recommended.
   "I'll talk to her after class". Which is exactly what I did. "Excuse me?" I said when I got to her desk. "Is there any tutors available?"
   "I'm afraid not, I can put you on the list and as soon as one opens up we can set something up." She replied.
   I said thank you and walked into the hallway to go to my next class. I was almost there when someone bumped into me.
   "Oh my god, I'm so sorry." She said apologetically. "I wasn't paying attention." I looked up to see Isabella looking down at me. I stood up and looked her in the eyes, they were a beautiful like brown. I realized I should stop staring, and I think she's talking to me.
   "Sorry what did you say?" I questioned.
   "I asked if you were okay." Her voice sounded like an angel. "I can take you to the nurse." She offered.
   "That's okay, thanks anyways." I rejected. It's not like I don't want her to take me, I could get to spend some time alone with her. But I'm far too nervous.
   "No come on, I insist."
   "Okay, lets go." We made our way to the nurse and she cleaned me up and put a bandage on me, when Isabella ran into me, something hit my face and cut my cheekbone. There was a little blood. "Are bandages really necessary?" I sighed.
   "Oh come on, I think you looks cute." Isabella smiled at me.
   "Oh... umm.." I didn't know what to say.
   "I think you guys are a sweet couple." The nurse said before walking away.
   "Thank you." Isabella responded with a smile.
   "Why didn't you correct her?" I asked.
   "I don't know. Do you feel any better?"
   "Yeah a little bit." I did feel better but the sooner I admit that the sooner our time together will be over.
   "Do you need any water?" She said worriedly.
   "No, I'm okay."
   "I'm Isabella by the way." She smiled again me and gave me her hand.
   "I'm Megan." I shook her hand. The nurse returned saying that I was good to go to class. We left the office, Isabella told me she would meet me in class, she wanted to talk to the principal. The rest of the day went by pretty slow. Soon the last bell rang and I was on my way to work. I work at a small cafe after school. Towards the end of my shift 3 people walked in that I did not wanna see. Chelsea, Isabella, and Nick. Actually Chelsea is the only problem.
   "Oh, hey i didn't know you work here." Isabella smiled.
   "I think I just barfed." Chelsea said. "Why are you talking to her babe? You're gonna catch something. Anyway how many carbs are in a latte."
   "None." Nick rolled his eyes.
   "Everything has calories in it idiot."
   "Just give us three pumpkin iced lattes please." Nick said with a smile.
   "I'm gonna go find a clean table. If there even is one in this dump." Chelsea complained.
   "Dude how do you put up with her?" Nick questioned.
   "She's not that bad." Isabella responded. Nick walked away to use the bathroom leaving just me and Isabella. "Thank you."
   "No problem i'll just bring your coffees over when they're ready." I said before turning around to make them. About 30 minutes passed and they went outside. I wasn't too far behind since my shift was over. I got outside and called my mom to ask for a ride but she said she couldn't make it yet, I could either walk home or wait an hour. I watched as Nick and Chelsea each drive away but Isabella stayed. I started my walk home but Isabella ran after me.
   "Hey do you need a ride?" She asked.
   "No, i'm okay." I responded.
   "Come on, it's gonna rain and we're going to the same place anyways." She begged.
   "Okay sure." I said as I began to follow her to her car. "Wow this is your car?"
   "Yeah I don't like it." She answered.
  "Why not?" I questioned. It looks expensive.
   "My dad bought it for me so we look good. It's not really my thing though." She explained.
   "I get that." I said. We got in the car as the rain started to come down. I'm glad I didn't have to walk in that. I can't believe i'm in Isabella's car.
   "Do you need to be home any time soon?" She asked.
   "No why?"
   "I wanna do something." She said and started driving a away from our homes.
   "You're not gonna kill me are you?" I joked.
   "You're cute." She laughed. We arrived at a junkyard.
   "Um, Isabella, this is a junkyard." I said questionably.
   "I like to come here when it rains." She explained. I was wondering why and she noticed. "Concentrate."
   I listened for a minute before giving her an answer. "All I can hear is the rain."
   "Exactly." She smiled.
   "You like cars?"
   "Music. The rain hits each car and material differently. It sounds so pretty."
   "Wow, that's relaxing. You know i'm a songwriter." I mentioned.
   "Wow I wish I could do that."
   "So does Chelsea like it here?"
   "I've never taken her here. She wouldn't like it."
   "Well why did you take me here?"
   "I don't know, you seemed like you'd appreciate it."
   We continued to talk until the rain stopped and then we made our way home. I thanked her for the ride. She said no problem, she enjoyed it, it looked like she winked at me for a second but probably not. I went inside and started to write more music, that's how i spend most of my free time. My mom left some dinner in the microwave for me, and I called Rachel to tell her what just happened. As I took a shower and got ready for bed, I took a quick look through my window before closing the blinds and went to sleep smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2019 ⏰

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