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Think about this day. Depends on where you are, it could be a sunny morning. Or perhaps a rainy afternoon. Or maybe you're laying in bed tonight, with no intention of falling asleep any time soon.

Whatever it is any of us are doing, or have already done on this date doesnt matter to the calendar. The days go on and the date keeps changing. This exact date on the calendar will never repeat itself.

Its not hard to just go about our day not worrying about the date. But you never know. On this very date someone could be pacing around the house, nervous for the results of a very important exam, or desperately waiting for someone to call back and tell them they got the job.

Or it could be someone's first day. The day they feel their mother's touch for the first time. The day they bring light to someone else's life. Or in this case; the day they bring hope to an entire world.

On this day I am here. In your world, far away from my own home. Bearing witness to the birth of my Queen.

In the arms of a human mother lays a human child.

The mother holds her child lovingly, under such a protective embrace i almost don't have to be here to serve them both as protection.

Ardni thinks she's alone with her darling newborn, unaware of me sitting right here next to her hospital bed.

She seems to still be feeling a little pain, so I get up and walk to the bedhead. I place my hand on her forehead and chant; ragsar to akshar. I hope it could ease her pain at least a little.

Before I even remove my hand from her forehead though, there's a soft knock on the door.

With a soft and sweet voice she calls out, "please come in".

A tall, handsome and slightly intimidating man answers pushes the door open and slowly walks towards Ardni.

"She's so beautiful" he says.

"She reminds me so much of you" she says back.

"I don't really see it" he chuckles.

Ardni raises her shoulders and simply says to him; "you dont have to".

He smiles at her and leans in to seemingly kiss her forehead. Thats the moment I realize i never removed my hand from her forehead and I flinch away from her, as if she scalded me or something. Right in time too. Cause he does kiss her forehead. Again, I am the only person in this room aware of this awkward situation.

Or so I thought, cause when I glance at Aradia it seems her beautiful green eyes are wide open, staring at me intently.

Wondering if she can really see me i step to one side, and sure enough her eyes follow me. I step the other way and she does the same. Then, I jump from where I stood to right behind her father and stick my tongue out at her, making her laugh and light up the whole room.

Dean smiles, showing off his pearly white teeth that beautifully contrast his dark skin. And i can feel the happiness radiating off of both him and Ardni.

"I want to name her Aradia" Ardni whispers softly.

I already knew this cause Ardni has this habit of talking to herself when no one is around. Cute, isn't it?

"As long as the both of you carry my last name I dont care" he replies also in a whisper.

"Why are you guys whispering?" I whisper, stupidly forgetting they cant hear me.

"Well then lets name her ESPN" Ardni smirks.

"I take it back" Dean mumbles.

Ardni laughs at his annoyed expression making him laugh too.

I watch them quietly and smile, sharing their happiness as well. Then i get myself out of the hospital room, simply walking through the door, startling both Ardni and Dean.

Yeah I'm not the smartest witch around.

However i have news to deliver to Enchantia.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2019 ⏰

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