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I don't think of you much anymore
not like I used to
it's been 12 weeks to the day
I've learned to live without your touch
without your quick words
I've learned to live with your absence

I think it's time I bring this to a close
I've got nothing else to write
you now know everything I've ever felt
every thought I've had about you

you've got a written accord
of 10 months in my head
I hope you learn to cherish it

I still don't want to say goodbye
but I have to
and if I don't
I will always search crowds for you
I'll always look for your car
strain to hear your laugh

if I don't say it
I will always love you

and loving the ghost of a devil
doesn't bring anything of value to me
just heartache and misery

The Devil's Love-Ridden Abuse II POETRY  Second EditionWhere stories live. Discover now