First thing

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It was a normal day well normal now at least I was out hunting for when I heard fighting my dumb ass self thought it whould be to see what's happening but I guess not

"Hello"I said as I move branches out of my way great now everyone is looking at me and then a man leg of another man he had a choke hold and then put me into one

"SHANE"a man in a sheriff outfit screamed he then released me and pulled me over and threw me by the other man he just look at me and walked away grunting

"What are u doi.." I got stop as I was talking by Shane if I'm right

"Name "the sheriff outfit said in a rough voice

" Scarlett, Scarlett night " I said as I was giving him a death stare

"Well Scarlett I'm rick grames and I'm sorry on the behalf of shane in was in the mood to attack today I guess " rick said as he look over at shane

" what did that guy even do " I said in a confused voice as I watch as he get into the tent

" well we are gonna have to ask u some questions " rick said trying to sound as nice as he can

" umm only by a women we have more common sense " I said and yes I know what sound like

" that's not how it works night" shane said as I have him a death stare

rick looked around " Andrea can u " a girl with blond hair come up to us " hello I'm Andrea I will her to the rev " as she looks at me basically saying to follow her so I did and she ask me questions the last one was do I have a group and said then she left me in the rv as she goes and talks to rick and then he came in.

" well since u don't have a group whould u like to join ours " rick said in a convincing voice

" where whould I say " i had said

" I know it's not the place to say but probably Daryl he never really here so u Whould basically have it to yourself " rick had explain to me

" who is this Daryl dude " I had said

" he was the guy that was by u when u first got here " he had said

" mmmm sure I need some human contact eventually " I said as I cross my arms

A couple of days have passed I have became close with Andrea , carol, Glenn,t-dog and some what Lori me I have said hi and hello to Daryl but he whould just grunt me and Amy were friends but her and them had died not to long after I had showed up

" hey scar " carol had called me over

" ya carol " I said as I walke up to her and the girls as they were giggling

" what are u guys giggle about" they all looked at each other then told me they wanted to play t or d and I already know they planed with me everyone had they turn them me

" t or d " Andrea has said
" d " i had said as they Burst out laughing
" we dare u to go up to Daryl and tell him to stop checking u out " I look at them very confused then Lori Points behind me and I saw Daryl watching me as my cheeks became red

"He staring at your ass " coral said

" fine I will go do your dare " As I walked away and over to daryl

" hey da.." as he cuts me off

" how old are u " he said out of nowhere

" 16 when it all started but I'm might be 17 now why " as he walks away I ask him why he was checking me out but he didn't respond and so I walk back over to the girls as they looked at me wanting answers

" sorry girls he didn't answer it " I said looking at the

" then what were you guys talking about then" they all ask
" he ask my age and then walk away " as I rolled my eyes

They all look at me then each other " maybe he wanted to see if your leagal" they all said

" ya right "

" when is your birthday " coral had ask me 

" October 5 1993 " I had said

" wow your young " carol had said

" it doesn't feel like it " I said while laughing

Just u so u know in my mind it the out break toke place on August 12 2010 so yes she will be 16

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2019 ⏰

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