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Hey guys, I wrote this for an english class. I was rather proud of it so I thought I'd share it with you. It's just a short story but yeah! Enjoy I hope!


That one name that echoed over in my head. All I could hear was the sound of the loud explosion that had come from what seemed to be over my left shoulder. I couldn't feel anything, not knowing whether I was dead or alive. All I knew is that her name, Evelyn, kept echoing over and over again. Evelyn.

I was lying on the ground, in a hole of dirt. I knew that I had been blown a few hundred of metres from where I was originally standing. I knew that I had a bullet wound to my lower abdomen and the thoughtful fear of not knowing whether I was going to die or whether someone was going to save me flooded my head. As muh as I thought about other things, the one thought of seeing the girl I was in love with face one last time. I needed Evelyn.

Evelyn was the girl that I had left because of my own selfish act. She had been my best friend in high school and after admitting to each other that we had feelings for one another, we started something that was perfect and meant to last forever. Having known what I wanted to do and wanting to follow my dreams, I left her behind and each and every day that I walked over this dead end ground, I knew that I had made the wrong choice and at this point in time I was wishing that I had thought about my choices for a minute longer. My name is Nathan Reever and this is my story.

I had never looked at my best friend in the way I did in high school one particular morning. When I looked up, I saw the brighest green eyes simutaneously staring at a wall. The way her hair fell into place made me think that I wanted her even more than I knew. She looked right at me and flashed the biggest smile, I couldn't help but smile back and at that moment I had made up my mind. I was going to call her mine.

For two years, there was nothing that I would have done differently. Evelyn wa the girl that held my heart from the moment she said yes. Every minute I spent with her was more special then the last and in the time we had spent together, there was never a dull moment. The way she laughed, the way she smiled and even the way she rested her head on my shoulder to fall asleep - everything just felt so normal.

Evelyn knew that I had a dream to join the army and it was no suprise when I was accepted and told that I would have to move state to where my training would commence. With her support behind me, we packed up and moved. I never thought I would find a girl that would leaver her whole life behind just to help me follow my dreams but I couldn't have been happier.

Things continued to be blissful and perfect but my news of being deployed came. My last dream was to fight for my country on the front line. I finally had that oppurtunity but I also had Evelyn to think of. She had already given up so much for me to be with me and I was about to leave her. This news caused fight that we had never as a couple had between us before. They were the most possible emotional pain that I could have had. As much as Evelyn wanted to be supportive, I knew the thought of me risking my life, scared her to death.

In the end, Evelyn let me go and I went onto the war zone. Fighting for my country was never what I had expected. I guess I never really thought about what it could be like on the field but I guess the idea of being shot or having to face shooting someone to death right in front of me, wasn't something I thought would haunt me every living moment.

After six months of being away, I realized something had changed in Evelyn. I got letters from her weeking but they soon turned into nothing. Ringing back home one evening, once again, she never answered. For the past week, I had tried to ring her three times a day but she never answered. Something in my heart broke and I realized that the girl I loved was gone.

As much as I was worried sick about Evelyn, I knew that I had to continue my job. One job involved going out to the forest for a fortnight with no contact to the outside world. As much as I dreaded this moment, I believed that when I got back there would be news on Evelyn and she was just focused on her univeristy finals. Sadly, that wasn't the news I heard.

Returning home, my mother stood at the airpot and she waited patiently for me to run to her. I was numb and just wanted to get back on the plane to continue fighting on the warzone. Walking to my mother, I just wanted her to wrap her arms around me and tell me everything was going to be okay like she did when I  had a nightmare as a kid.

I attended Evelyn's funeral a week after returning home. I was struck with guilt over the fact that the person I had loved so very much had become mentally unstable because I was selfish and followed my dream. She was gone. Sitting beside her grave after everyone had left, I realized that life would never be the same. The girl that I promised to marry, promised to have my children with and the one I promised to love and support like she had done for me was gone and I from there knew there was nothing left to come home too.

I went back to the front line and continued fighting for my country; it was the only thing I had left. After a month away, I recieved what had been Evelyn's last letter. At the bottom is stated,

                   "I want to be with you always and now I can be right by your side."

At this moment, lying on the ground, in a hole of dirt, I can't help but wish that no-one comes to save me. All I want is to be with Evelyn.

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