Ungrateful Pies

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You both like Random.

You: hi

Stranger: Hey

You: is your pie sick today?

Stranger: It could be.

You: mine told me that it wasn't at school and we've been worried

Stranger: Lol what.

You: wait you didn't know? is your pie ditching?

Stranger: Oh, when I get my hands on that pie...!

Stranger: It'll get a serious talking to.

You: Yes I agree, it really deserves a good lecture about the importance of school

You: It obviously does not respect your hard work to make sure that it is fed and has a good education

Stranger: Yes, someone understands my pain. Ungrateful...!

You: I know! Pies these days, they don't respect their elders anymore.

Stranger has disconnected.

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