Boarding the plane

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Authors note:

Ok hey guys this isn't my first fan fic, it's my first Magcon fan fic but not my first fan fic. My first fan fic was promise you won't forget about me. A Niall Horan fan fic. It's on my page if you wanna check it out!! So I hope you enjoy this story. Remember this is a story which means it's fictional please don't correct me on ages and stuff I chose these ages for a reason, I also chose what happened and facts about them for a reason. The things about Hayes May not be all true but it's for a reason, that's why I chose for it to be that way. Thanks guys hope you enjoy.

Chapter 1:

Addison's pov:

I had to wake up super early for my flight to North Carolina. I was moving there with,
my brothers and my dad. I haven't seen them in like 2 years. Well I did see them last summer but I don't want to talk about that.

I grabbed my bags and began to walk to a seat when I tripped on the edge of a chair and all of my personal belongings came tumbling out of my bag. (I'm going to a seat to wait for my flight to be called. )

I fell with the bag, and made some boy fall as well. We landed next to each other him looking at the ceiling and me looking at the floor. I was so embarrassed.

When we stood up He locked eyes with me and then I looked away and pulled my hoodie over my head.

The blue sparkle in his eyes made me think I knew him some how.

I was walking away When he grabbed my arm and turned me around his face flickered memories of pain.

"Do I know you form somewhere?" He questions.

Words of shock escape my mouth causing me to sound like I don't know English. I knew I know him from somewhere.

"Uhmm hi." I finally say.

"I know you from somewhere but I just can't remember where." He tells me again making a shiver run up my back. I remember how I know him.

"Hayes, Hayes Grier." I say aloud.

"Yea that's me." He says.

"I have to go my flight was called." I mumbled under my breath.

"That's my flight too!" How did he hear what I said.

As I walk to gate number 12 I notice he is following close behind. I pray his seat isn't next to me, I hope he's on the other side of the plane.

When I board the plane I feel him lingering behind me, like he is watching every move I make carefully so I don't notice... Even though I do.

I take my seat and see his grey jacket sit right down next to me. Great. This flight couldn't get any better I thought. Note the sarcasm.

I notice how it gets more awkward the longer he is sitting there, he knows that something is weird.

Well, I guess I should tell you a little bit about me, so to start it off my name is Addison Kylie Caniff, I'm Taylor Caniff's twin sister and Matt Espinosa's younger step sister. Confusing right.. So I'll explain.

When I was 7 years old my parents split up they didn't want to live anywhere near each other so they made a deal where my mom would get me and my dad would get Taylor, pretty selfish of them huh?

We got to see each other on holidays and our birthday but that's really it I lived in Oregon with my mom and Taylor and my dad lived in North Carolina.

My dad met this other women 2 years after my parents got divorced and then 2 more years later they got married, we were invited to the wedding and it was the first time in a long time that we all got along with each other, I got to see my brother for a week which was really fun cause we got along with each other at the time.

That was the first time I saw Hayes Benjamin Grier. The first thing I noticed about him was his blue eyes and how my stomach turned when he looked at me she I was starring at him.

*flash back*

We pulled up the long drive way starring at all of the beautiful flowers that were in every direction that we looked.

I hopped out of the car flattening my dress and turning on my small high heel.

"Now baby girl make sure your on your best behavior and act as lady like as possible." My mom said with franticness taking over her voice.

We entered the doorway and the first thing I did was run to my brother and we hugged each other and did our hand shake.

I saw my dad and ran to him and gave him a big hug too.

"How's my baby girl doing, you like just like a princess." My dad greeted me.

"I'm doing great dad, how are you!?" I questioned.

"I'm doing great sweety." He told me.

Then we all took our seats at our assigned tables and that's when I first saw Hayes Grier.

He was the first boy that I ever liked and ever since then I have had a crush on him.

*end of flash back*

Hayes's pov:

I was flipping through my Twitter feed, when someone bumped into me and made me fall.

The lights from the ceiling burned my eyes from staring at them.

I stood up and helped the girl up who bumped in to me.

She was so familiar... And then later when she said my name I knew how I knew her...

It was Addison Caniff the girls life who I half ruined.

*flash back* *1 summer ago*

We were at our 2nd meet and greet/show that we have ever had.. So we were still new to this whole thing.

We decided to take a brake and go backstage and when we walked back there Addison was standing there with mixed feelings on her face.

I felt really bad for taylor and Addison because they used to have such a great bond and then taylor started get ping Internet famous and her dad and him just left her in the dark.

They blamed all of their mistakes on her and just pretend nothing changed and that she was never there.

Taylor seemed to see the hurt in her eyes but he ignored it and was rude to her.

"What are you doing here you little brat." He sneered at her.

"I just came to see you and Matt. I miss the way we would get along and the way we would always be there for eachother.. What happened?" She asked innocently.

I knew that deep down Taylor felt the same way it's just that his devil side had taken over his angel side.

"Whatever do what you want, think what you want but there will never be a bond between us ever again." He told her sternly.

Wow that was harsh.

"Hi." Matt said trying to make her feel better, she had a few tears coming down her eyes at the moment and I felt so bad. She was beautiful and to see her sad broke my heart.

"Hi." She replied with a hint of happiness somewhere in there.

Then Taylor pulled aside so know one else could hear what he was telling me.

"Hey, you know the saying bros before hoes?"

"Yea." I said even though all girls aren't hoes.

"Well I need you to do something for me please man."

"Ok well-


Authors note:

Sorry guys first chapter and it's already a cliffhanger I'll post chapter 2 tonight or tomorrow so you understand the gist of the story. Don't forget to vote and comment! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter to my new fan fiction!!

-jayme! ❤️

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