The Lost Crusaders

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Chapter 1: Awakening

Cascades of memories flew free from my mind; my friends, a war, a fight... I became blank. Suddenly, a bright sensation flooded my vision. I shielded my eyes from the potent lights as I awoke. Not only did I have a monstrous headache, but my mind instantly flooded with questions: "Where am I... Where did I come from..... Who am I?" I finally got up to study my surroundings. It seemed I was in a cell of some sort; a white room with a vault door & an advanced identification grid. There were glass windows in which I could barely see myself, and.... a mysterious figure? As I approached it looked up at me, stood up, and spoke: "So, you've finally awoken." As it stood up, I soon got a better observation of the figure; it had a tall composure, one that made me feel minuscule as he glanced down upon me. He had a slim body, with three white buttons on his upper torso, elongated limbs, with stripes decking his wrists and legs. He had no feet, and three fingers on each hand. But his face was one i'd never forget. It had the resemblance of a clown, two glossy red cheeks, a large smile plastered on his face, and purple streaks that appeared to resemble tears of exuberance. His mouth was motionless as he spoke, "I have been waiting for your revival, young one." "Who are you?" I was extremely perplexed as to how he knew me. "You can consider me your guardian.", he said, his mouth still frozen. "Where-" "It has occurred to me that your memory is weak, so I shall fill you in, old friend." Friend? Did I know him? As far as I remembered, I didn't know him. He began his report: "We are locked in a complex prison known as Wrathhaven. An evil force has captured us and plans to destroy us all. You,", he gestured to me, "are the hero who will stop him." "Me? A hero?!" "Yes,", he said in a gentle voice, "all this time, I have helped to defend you. Now you must learn to defend yourself. You must-" He stopped as we heard clanking footsteps approaching. Quickly, he took out two flashing bracelets. "Use these when the time is right." I clipped them on as soon as the door opened. An utterly horrific creature approached us, followed by another. "What are those?", I whispered indistinctly so only he could hear. "Metal Guards!" They both looked identical, each having two glowing red eyes. They looked like brute skeletons, with large jaws full of sharp teeth. Their claws were hideously curved, to the point of being able to possibly rip off flesh. Wires chased all over their metal framing, and as they opened their mouths, I could spy another row of sharp teeth. "You must act. NOW!", the "Guardian" whispered. Soon, one of the robotic beasts slashed at his chest. He had vanished! All but his mask-like face, which fell to the ground. "What did you do to him?!", I said in a rather startled tone. The other guard spoke in a deep, metallic voice, "His time is up! His spirit has left!" They soon had me cornered, laughing in a malicious tone. I glanced at the bracelets. "Let's see what these do..." I activated one, to hear a crash behind me. I turned around to the stone back wall to see something had busted through. I looked at my arm, only to see a robotic costume arm covering it! It was goldish green in color, deteriorated and nearly human shaped. Not knowing what to do, I hit one of the Metal Guards, shattering some of its teeth in the process. I then activated the other bracelet, and the other arm attached quickly to mine. Soon, I was in a fully operational robotic bounty suit! It was deteriorated, with missing physical pieces, and took the form of a rabbit. It was missing fingers, an ear, the costume from the knees down, and a large gash in the chest. But within it, I felt powerful! I activated some sort of wire whip from my arm, and they were dismantled in no time! But I still had a feeling they wouldn't stop there, and so I ran from my cell to escape them.

Chapter 2: New Friends of Old

The prison had a unique construction, as it had at least ten floors, with ten cells lining each hall. As I traversed the hall I was contained in, I saw one cell that was occupied, and I decided to investigate. Luckily, my "supersuit" was capable of hacking into many programs. The cell door opened in an airlock fashion, and behind it, was something of my amusement. Imprisoned in the cell was a creature of beauty and grace. It looked like a horse, with a color of midnight blue, a pair of wings, and a spiral horn sprouting from it's forehead. It had an impressive mane, as it appeared to imitate the night sky itself, and some sort of kerchief around its neck, symbolized by a crescent moon. But what honestly astounded me, was what it did: "Oh, thank you for- wait, GP? Is that you?!" "You... t-t-talk?!" "What, you don't remember?" "Remember what?" "We were good-" "OVER THERE!" As I had feared, more guards had arrived, this time with backup! "There he is, the Convict!" "And, looks like he's trying to bust this prison up!" It was four against two, and they had us pinned. "Now what?!" The creature just glanced at me and said "Do you really think i'm THAT helpless?" And with that, the tip of her horn started to glow. Suddenly, a massive blast of energy emitted straight from it! "Now it looks like we're even.", she stated, as she had taken out two of the guards. But as soon as those two were dismantled, four more came in. "We can handle you!", she yelled, rather like a loud echo. I knew I had to brave up, so I set my suit to battle mode, and together, we destroyed each last one. One thing I found interesting about her fighting skills was that she seemed to harness some sort of.... magical powers. "Nice work... what's your name again?" "Oh, Luna. Princess Luna." "Well thank you, Luna. Now let's bust this joint!" "Agreed." So we hurriedly exited the cell and down the hall. "Just one thing stumps me, though." "What?" "How can you talk? Is that magic or-" "Oh, right. Uhh... you see, this is far from my true form." At that moment, before my very eyes, she transformed! She was a beautiful lady, about my height, whose appearance immobilized me. She still had hair like the night sky, cascading in the air behind her, but she had a human complexion. She had on blue gloves, a crown as black as night, soft white slippers, and a beautiful, fancy gown trailing beneath her, with the fused colors of black, dark blue and white. "If you're a human, then why were you an animal in the cell?" "I have right to believe a dark necromancer cast a spell on me, as I can only assume my human form for up to two to three hours." "That's pretty rough." "And you, GP, you do not remember me? From the past?" "Not that I can recollect." "Hmm...." She suddenly placed her hand on my forehead. ".....Yes, I see..." "What?", I stuttered as she withdrew her hand; "My powers sense that you are suffering from long term amnesia." "WHAT!?" "Do not be alarmed, as I suffer the same ailment, only not as strong as yours." "So.... I did know you? I just can't remember?!" "You cannot recollect any of your past yet." I stopped for a moment; "Now what do we do?" Luna stopped and looked at me in familiarity. "I know just what to do!" "Yeeees?" "We are not alone here. There are other survivors. We must find them and regroup." "But how?" "I know just where to start." As we reached the end of the prison complex floor, Luna activated the elevator and sent it down to the bottom of the prison. This complex varied drastically from the others, one reason being it was as dark as a black hole. The cell designs were also different, looking more like reinforced jail cells. It was also very damp and musty, and the lights were dimmed by how dark it was. But at the end of the complex, there was one light that had fractured. We approached the cell nearby, and a gruesome sound emitted from within. The noise sounded like a cobra hiss mixed with a demonic death shriek. Suddenly, two minuscule white dots emerged from the abysmal cell. Finally, the creature reached the iron bars of its prison. Surprisingly, it looked exactly like my robotic supersuit! It seemed slightly different, however, as it had pale gray eyes with pure white pupils, and it appeared to have a decaying corpse within the suit. The creature bellowed in a deep voice, "Who's there?" "Hey, Springy, it's me." "Luna?" His tough expression changed to one of astonishment. "How did you-" "Hi." "GP! You're... ok!" "First off, who is this GP guy you speak of?" "Hey man, quit joking-" "He's not!", Luna pitched in quickly, "He's suffering from long term amnesia." "Oh, well, in case you can't remember, the names' Springtrap. Don't forget it, ya hear?" "Clearly.", I stated, for he looked intimidatingly powerful. "Now, where are my weapons?" "Before any of that, first we have to-" She was cut off by a loud crash from above. "Let's go." After freeing Springtrap from his cell, we all darted to the stairs. We soon arrived at the next floor, only to see a crowd of guards around one cell. "Attack!", Springtrap commanded as he rushed to the scene. Yes, he seemed to be an aggressive type of fighter. After a few pulses from Luna, we entered the chamber they had gathered round. "No! Please! Go away! I'll- Luna?!" Luna's eyes lit up with joy; "Silver!" I studied him quickly; he appeared to be a hedgehog, with silvery gray fur. I could also note that he had energy pulsators on his hands as well as sleek and airy running shoes. "How'd you get out?" "That would be my handiwork." I stepped into the cell, followed by Springtrap. "Well, if it isn't GP. You're still alive!" "Uhh... yeah, why would I be dead?" "My powers tell me your state, so there is no need to worry. However, something horrible is happening!" "Exactly what do you mean?" "I'll explain on the way; follow me."

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