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Kevin's pov

"Look at my report card!" Johnny's voice shrieked, what a dork. "Ya look at mine!" Jimmy said "and mine!" Sarah big mouth said, "and rolf's" "what you get kevin?" Naz asked "F's in all classes" I replied not caring one bit "whoa kevin did the principal say you need to raise up your grades or you won't pass?" Jimmy asked "who do I care?" I said.

"Ed! Give back my report card you lump!, and sockhead where's my homework?" Dork number one said "eddy you do know you have to do your own homework or you won't get an education or a life-" "stuff it sockhead!" Eddy yelled. I growled at all the nagging "I got to go" I grumble getting onto my bike and going home. When I got home I threw my backpack onto the floor, and I jumped into my dad's recliner and turned on the t.v.,

Edd's pov

I rolled my eyes at my fellow peers stupidity. "Honestly you two!" I shouted and walked off, I entered my humble home, and wiped my feet on the mat. "Oh a sticky note from mother" I cheered and read it over,

Dear Eddward,

Fold the towels


I walked up to my room and placed my school supplies where they went. I seen a wrinkle in my blanket so I fixed it, "mother and father will be so proud of my straight A's again" I chirped and placed the envelope on their bed. I walked downstairs to the laundry room and I seen the towels. I started folding them. "Hey double D! I came up with a new scam!" Eddy and his scams "what is it now eddy? Can't you see I'm doing a chore mother has assigned me?" I asked with my head held high.

"Double D you sockhead, let's go!" Ed picked me up and I freaked. "No no! You'll wrinkle my clothes and I can walk thank you very much!" I shouted "double Dee you are funny" ed's stupidity sometimes. "Ed! Mom wants you home!" Sarah barked "aw sorry guys I got ta go" ed places me on my feet and I dust myself off. "Hi double dee" sarah cooes and leans on me, I sweat and get nervous "um sarah we seem to be having body contact please get off" I asked politely "get lost!" Eddy flings Sarah to ed "err IM TELLING MY MOM!" Sarah stormed off with ed and jimmy walks with them.

"Oh my" I said as I fixed my shirt and adjusted my hat. "Stupid sisters, later double dee, scams tomorrow after school" eddy grumble and walks away. I went back to the house and I wiped my feet on the mat then I went back to folding the towels.

Tomorrow at school

I smiled as I'm in the best place ever, school!. I adjusted my book bag on my shoulder and I walked with my binder in hand. "Hey dork!" I heard and turned around, I screamed as kevin fists the locker that's near my head "my parents want you to tutor me, so I can pass the 8th grade, got that dork?" kevin flicks my nose and I dropped my binder and I covered my red nose. "If you don't come to my house today after school, I'll give you a pounding so badly no one will recognize ya, got it dweeb?" Kevin threatened "u-understandable" I muttered as sweat travelled down my temple.

"Man such a dork" as kevin walks away and kicks my binder in the process. "messy messy messy" I said picking up my papers notebooks and binder. "Hey double dee" eddy says and I scream "what's got you jumpy?" Eddy asked "kevin askes me to well more like threatened me to tutor him" I said standing straight "dang double dee you're in deep" eddy says and I swallow the lump in my throat.

Hey guys and gals I'm so sorry that this was probably a terrible chapter but it gets better trust me, anyways bye bye!

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