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Ever wonder what it would be like to see a living thing. Living, as in doing things for a reason. For survival. Not because they want it. Because they need it.

That would be nice to see, of course, Lina wasn't used to getting things she wanted. She would be lucky if she got a new phone for Christmas. She got everything she needed herself, and she didn't need anyone else to help her whatsoever.

She already had enough help from the stupid Australian, Jonas Walker.

Ever since the second grade, Jonas has been bullying her and using her. Taking her books and holding them out of her reach is one thing, but hiding papers that are needed to study, taking her gym clothes, hell, even putting explicit photos in her locker, making her get caught.

The fucking idiot doesn't even have good grades, at least that's what she heard. Of course, all he ever did was get laid with girls and mess with Lina. Never anything good to his learning. You could walk down the hall and see him making out with a new girl every day. It was pretty disgusting, and anyone that knows Jonas, knows to try their best to stay away and prevent heartbreak.

Some people are just too dumb at times and let him take over.

Lina moves over to her locker, putting in the combination and opening her locker, hoping for no photos. She looks around, moving around her clothes and books to see if she could find them. None. Thank God. Her last day here and she can finally rest easy knowing he is likely gonna leave her alone.

Lina places her books and binder in her book bag, tying it up as she looked at the mirror on the door of her locker. She sniffed a bit as she noticed that there was a little curl out of place, giggling softly as she smoothed it down with her hand. The thing about having thin, black hair, was that it was hard to deal with and style, and she never knows if she has dandruff on the back of her head.

Jonas would never let her live it down if that would happen.

The now young adults were quickly trying to get their things and leave the school, but Lina was taking her time. She would miss her friends and the school all together, she didn't want to leave so soon.

That's when she heard the deep voice. The one that had an accent and sort of scared her death.

"Lina! Hey sweetie, where is my money?" On the last word, the locker slammed shut, and an arm leaned against it. I want to punch his face in. Lina thought, looking up to Jonas. He was taller than her. He was 5'10, whereas she was 5'3 and a half. This dude could honestly dominate her, but, she liked her virginity very much and she definitely wouldn't let this narcissistic, selfless, incompetent asshole touch her.

"Your money is not here. Sorry sweetie." She growls, looking to her locker. Damn, she doesn't have anything to hit him with. All her stuff is in the locker he just fucking closed.

Son of a bi-

"Oh, we had a deal, Lina. You give me the money today, and we go on our way. Super easy. Honestly, I thought you could handle something like that!" He was trying to make her angry, and she could tell! The troublesome way he looked at her, and his erotic body language was easy to see past. She was close to kicking his balls deep into his ass if he kept pissing her off. She was done with being his little errand girl.

"Your deal just expired. I'm not yours, and I never was. You just used me like every other girl in this school, and you think it will be that easy to just dominate me and get me to bow to your will, huh?" As she spoke, hurt filled his dark, green eyes. So quick, it felt like a act.

"Oh yeah? We'll see about that, L..." He smirks at her and places his finger under her chin, pulling her face towards his. Blush flooded her face.

"I'll give you a few more days, since I'm a good guy..." He whispers. Damn this motherfu-

"Mr. Walker, Ms. Strong. No making out in the halls." A teacher says from his doorway, making even Jonas turn a reddish pink.

"It's alright sir, we weren't going to..." He says to the teacher, turning away from Lina for a moment. She rolls her eyes, going to open her locker once more so she can go say goodbye to her friends.

Jonas turns back around and leans down, rubbing her cheek. "You should stop wearing black all the time... you would look nice with green on." He whispers, giving her a small piece of paper out of nowhere.

Where did he get this from? The hell?

Jonas walks off and she watches him leave, opening the little piece of paper.

Here's my address. Tomorrow afternoon, at six, be at my house and give me the fiftey dollars.

He could at least spell fifty right... jeez.

Lina sighs and puts it in her jean pocket, unlocking her locker. She takes her bag and phone, including her mirror, packing up everything on the side of her locker into her bag. Pictures of her and her friends, from 6th grade to just a week ago. It was so fun! The dances, the special events, even football games were fun. At least if Lina was with them.

She throws her bag on and says goodbye to her locker as she runs down the hall, moving to find her friends and hope for a summer without Jonas Walker in it.

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