He doesn't like you (Grayson)(Pt.2)

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It's been a couple weeks since you last talked to Grayson.

It killed you in the inside but honestly how could you still hang out with him and look at him without crying or feeling stupid for letting your emotions kill a perfect relationship?

Grayson of course tried contacting you, asking if you were okay or that he really wanted to work something out but you just couldn't. You didn't want to see Grayson again.

Even Ethan was becoming concerned about you and he as well tried to call you and text you but you also ignored Ethan even if he wasn't the one that was part of this mess.

At the end of the day, all you wanted to do is stay in your room locked up and never ever go out.

*Night time*

You were in your bedroom watching some YouTube videos varying from Kian and Jc to MrBeast to Liza Koshy.

Watching, getting a good laugh at each of the videos you watched, you had suddenly heard a knock at your window.

Your heart raced and you felt like your body froze.

*Knock* *Knock*

What made the situation worst was it was night time. You immediately thought you were going to die.

Slowly walking to the window as you grabbed a pair of scissors from your desk, you quickly pulled the string from your window curtains.

Your eyes grew big as what was outside was revealed.

It was Grayson.

You dropped the scissors aside of you and quickly opened the window.

"Grayson! What the fuck are you doing here late at night knowing on my window!"

"Look I'm sorry for not thinking this through but I really needed to see you."

You felt a bunch of butterflies in your stomach.

"Okay but why didn't you just knock at the front door?"

"Let's be honest here (Y/N), you've avoided me these past couple weeks and you won't even answer my brother either, so I had very high doubts you would even open the door for me."

He wasn't lying so you couldn't blame him.

You both stood there awkwardly in silence for a bit but then you remember that Grayson was still outside.

"Grayson get inside!" You said

Grayson chuckled "Don't have to tell me twice."

He finally got in and you closed your window.

Grayson stood there looking at you with sadness. He felt hurt for weeks now and he couldn't live with the feeling anymore knowing that he made you hurt as well.

You on the other hand couldn't look at him. You were embarrassed at yourself for letting him know your true feelings.

"Y/n...." Grayson mumbled deeply

You wanted to look up but you were trying hard not to.

All of a sudden Grayson lifted your head upward so you could see him.

You looked into his eyes, not sure what to do in the moment. You felt frozen.

"I'm sorry...."

"Grayson it's okay, I shouldn't have let my feelings get in the way of our friendship. It was very childish of me." You nervously chuckled, the feeling of crying forming inside of you but you controlled yourself.

"I'm not done." He voice became stern

You furrowed your eyebrows and softly asking him, "what?"

"I'm sorry about that day when I told you I didn't have those same feelings. When you left I felt so empty. I felt like I lost you. All this time I was trying to call and text you I realized something that I didn't before.... I like you too Y/N."


"I know it took a long time to realize this but now that I know this I'm willing to do anything for another chance."

"I don't know Grayson...."

"Y/n, please. I was very stupid but I want to fix this. I love you so much and I don't ever want you to leave me."

Tears formed in your eyes. You never wanted to lose him either.

"Grayson are you sure? Do you really love me in that kind of way?"

"Yes! I love you as a friend and more."

You hugged him letting all your tears out.

"Do you forgive y/n?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around you.

"Yes Grayson"

"Can we have a restart date too."

You pulled away wiping your tears and looking at him confused "restart date?"

"Yes, our last "date" didn't go great so let's go on another one but this time as a couple." He smiled widely

You smiled back and laughing at how cheesy he was.

{A/N: Well I hate how this outcome of the second part.... This was supposed to have a different outcome but it didn't go as plan :( I promise to write better ones. I still need to write the second part for Ethan. Maybe I'll post it tomorrow. Anyways have a good day peeps :)}

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