myōi's creamy delight

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You stumble upon a new ice cream parlour when you are on your way to work, being an avid fan of the delicacy you decide to stop by after work. Work itself was boring and you can't wait for work to end so you can go to that new ice cream store, as soon as clock hit 5 you immidiately walk out - more like ran out- and make way down to the ice cream store

Upon entering the girl behind the cashier greet you with her beautiful gummy smile "welcome to myōi's creamy delight, how can i help you today?"

you are flabbergasted as the beauty behind the counter look like an angel and not to mention her soft and melodious tone as she speaks.

"Ahh.. um... h-hey, w-wow you are so beautiful!" your own bluntness caught you off guard and there's nothing you can do now as the words left you. She tried not laugh at your own awkward self but ultimately failed as fits of giggle escape her lips.

She decide to entertain you and herself "why thanks, what would this handsome looking customer want to order? We have a variety of flavour to pick all made by me and my friends"

Her words knock some sense to you and you notice her eyeing you from head to toe, so you walk yourself to the counter to see variety of ice cream flavour but you know it better that you just want to have a closer look at her, an angel behind the counter. There's quite a selection to make and you are having trouble picking one.

"I'm having difficulty picking a flavour, can this beautiful lady help me?" You said as you try to one up her flirting game and now looking at her in the eye, the cashier give you a flirtatious smile and still eyeing you from head to toe

"We have a special today and i think you'll love it, we call it myōi's natural flavor, would you like to try it?" Her voice is now laced with seduction and she bit her lips. You realized that you can't one up her, this is her game and you are just a player.

"Well, today seems to be my lucky day, I'll have that"

"Okay one myōi's natural flavor coming up" she lick her lips and went back to what you assume as kitchen or office. You stood infornt of the counter slightly confused because she didn't bother to make an input to your order.

Couple of minutes later another girl walk out from the back area, she look at you and gave you a smirk. You are again surprised because there's another beautiful girl working at the shop.

"Please wait for a bit dear customer, Mina is currently preparing your order"

Mina, that must be the name of that beautiful angel working behind the cash register


"Oh, okay, how much for the special? The girl before, Mina was it? immidiately walk away after i place my order" you add sheepishly

"Don't wory today's special is for a taste test, so it's free" she look and you with a knowing smirk "What do you think about mina? She beautiful isn't she?

"Y-yeah she is someth-"

You did't get to finish your sentence as another beautiful girl walk out from the back area "myōi's natural flavor is up, oh, you must be THE lucky customer huh? Anyway your order is waiting at our office/lounge"

You did't even manage to reply because the girls drag you to the back area "hope you enjoy the special! Now go ahead, enter the room, you don't your delicious ice cream to melt"

You turn the knob and push the door open albeit the confusing situation. To your surprise, Mina is stark naked of the sofa facing the door. Both of her hands under her knee holding her legs open, her bald pussy in view.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2019 ⏰

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