Part one. What is a future?

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"Mom do you think I could get a new math book, for school tomorrow morning" I asked my mom with a big warm smile. "Let us see in the future Hannah, go to school" said mother. "Yes ma'am ma'am? What is a future?" I asked. "A future is when you get older and when you grow, and new things happen as you know Hannah never forget that now go" said my mom. "Honey sometimes your future can be hard, especially at times like this." Said my mother. "Really has something bad happened.... wait actually I'll see in the future giggle" I said with delight. As I walked to school I saw my friends and my not friend her name was honey and she never was nice to anyone. "Hey Hannah c'mon before school why don't we go to the stand it's new and if you throw the knife directly at the middle of the circle you'll get a really great prize" Said Chihiru my friend. "Sounds a little dangerous but okay" I said. We walked through the flowers and grass and eventually arrived. "Alright ima going first" I said with even more delight. I grabbed the tiny knife closed one eye
And aimed and threw. "Dang so close" I Said. I stomped my feet twice. And below there was a hole I start falling and falling and falling and couldn't see the top well anymore and finally I landed perfectly unharmed. I saw myself but older. "I was just at the stand what the heck I.. is that me I'm older Wow am I married? I'm so beautiful" I said. I was less panicky and more. "HOW DO I GET OUT OF hERE!!!!!" I think that's worse though. I clicked my feet twice thinking with my fingers on my chin. I looked up and saw the same hole that I fell in and I start floatingup now and was back in the past. "Could it possibly be my stomping feet that bring me there?" I decided to try I stomped three times. And I went into the future again I saw me a little older then before and.......................... m-me with my enemy! I was shocked and went back in the past but no hole showed up I stomped twice as many times and eventually was a bit scared voices appeared and that made me more scared I huddled in the corner of my future walls and the voices spoke louder. "Do you want to find out about your future with honey!!" He Asked I heard his
Voice but yet did not see him. "Y-Yes" I answered. "Good then go into the middle find out you need two and say the words that I speak. The middle is where the secret lies the middle is where I live and the future is where I shall die" he said with a strong voice I nodded as I wiggled in that little corner. The voice vanished so I stomped my feet triple times and was finally home. It was pretty late and the stand was closed I went home and a police truck was parked at my home I walked in and I saw my mom all tears and the officer taking notes. "Mom! I'm sorry I- Hannah! Officer that's my daughter I'm sorry for the trouble thank you" interrupted my mom. "Happy to help goodbye mrs nibutchi" my mother smiled at him back. "HANNAH! I was worried sick you! Missing school with your father dead and...! Oh Hannah please I'm sorry I tried to tell you but I just couldn't." Said my mother sniffling. "Oh mom oh sniff sniff" I ran over to mom and hugged her. "Oh mom" we cried and laughed and snuggled the whole night until we both woke up. "aHhHhhAaaaA! I'm late for school mom your late for work!" I yelled I grabbed my backpack and put on my long socks and slippers and quickly put a messed up ponytail in my hair and ran out the door I saw the bus leaving my house so I jumped on the back and rode that way for the rest of the drive. Chihiru walked out of the bus. "Oh! Yuck geez you smell like your bed and your hair is Psycho" she said. "I know I thought I was super late, so I rushed myself c'mon let's go before we really are late" I said. Chihiru left for mrs mires class and I went to mine mr osolol's class. I saw honey right there so I bravely went to say hi. "Hi honey" I said. "Oh hi Hannah I got A+ yesterday you got a F- uh oh giggle giggle" she started walking away. I ran back to her. "Honey I need your help I'm willing to beg, your my future friend" I weeped a bit then wiped my eye. "What the heck Hannah What do you want!?" She Asked annoyed. "I'll explain after school meet me at the knife stand." I said with a teeny weeny little glare. We went inside and I saw are teacher signing papers we all sat down and he start talking about the worst kind of math Division And Algebra "Boooo!" I thought in my head. After school like we promised we went to the knife stand. "Hold my hand." I said in the slightest blushing. "Eww! I don't wanna do that is this some kind of....?" She stopped in her tracks. "Honey do you want to help or not? You could be a hero." I Said obviously lying. "Ugh fine" we held hands and I stomped my feet she gave me a confused face and when she noticed we were falling she went. "AHHHHHH!!!!!!!" She screamed and screamed. Until she saw us together in the future. "Is that me with you?! How is this my future your a jerk" she said confused. "Hey what did I do" I asked. "We need to go in the middle to find out how this happened and stop it we were never friends we never will be so we have to erase this." I said to her in a serious voice. She nodded with an also Serious face. "Alright hold my hand again and we'll go in the middle" I said. "Agreed" she grabbed my hand and I said. "The middle is where the secret lies the middle is where I live and the future is where I shall die" I said in a man voice. A portal opened and me and honey went in and were being sent to the middle. We were both ready for this new adventure.

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