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"Brother, you need to make some friends!" Alluka said, pouting.

Killua didn't even look up from his phone as he responded, "Friends? Never heard of it." Alluka rolled her eyes, "I didn't ask for attitude, brother."

"And I didn't ask to be born but yet, here we are." Killua said, looking up at Alluka with a raised eyebrow. "Come on, that's not the point! The point is that you need to make friends, and-" Alluka reached for his phone, taking it away from him. "-to start, no phones."

"Alluka, I already told you, I'm not making no damn friends! People already annoy me enough as it is, and making "friends" is not the way to go." Killua went to snatch his phone back, but Alluka was quicker and put it farther from his reach. Which is in her pocket.

"Fine! If you don't wanna make friends mutually, " She said, getting up from the bed and going to where Killua's laptop was. She quickly came back with it in hand, "You'll make friends online-ly."

"That's...not even a word."

"I don't care."

Alluka quickly typed in his password (having Killua wonder how the hell she even knows it) and goes to type in a website. A few seconds later, it popped up with a lot of text bubbles and messaging pictures.

"This site is called 'HxH' and it's basically a texting site, but it can also be misinterpreted as a dating site." Alluka said, clicking the 'Sign-Up' button up top.

Killua froze in shock, eyes wide. "I know you're not signing me up on a dating site. "

Alluka rolled her eyes so far, she feared it would've gotten stuck. "Like I said, brother, it's misinterpreted as that."

"But it has to be for a reason! People actually had to match up and date on here!" Killua screeched, red bruising his cheeks in anger and embarrassment. "It could just be a cover-up!"

"Brother, as long as you don't engage in a conversation that sounds like someone asking you out, you'll be fine. You're just here for friends," Alluka said, pressing enter as she was done setting up his profile, "What do you think?"

Killua stared at her in disbelief for a while, before grabbing the laptop and setting it in his lap, reading over what she wrote in bio.

"'My name is Killua, I'm 16, and I'm a little pale cotton ball that's a cat in human form. My favorite food is chocolate (you can fight me on it) and my favorite sport is -', He choked on his words, eyes widened as he gasped for air at what it said. Alluka chuckled beside him. He turned to glare murder at her, before continuing, "'Which means all gay everyday, no ladies this way-' Alluka what the hell is this?"

"Nothing but the truth, brother." Alluka had a little mischievous smirk on her face, which means she was teasing him. "We're not using this, I'll write my own bio." Killua went to delete the paragraph, Alluka whining in protest.

"But brother-!"

"Nope, this is my profile, my bio, which means I'll do what I want."

Alluka 'hmph' before turning away in a childish manner, making Killua shake his head at her behavior. Really, this was his damn page, meaning he has every right to do whatever he pleased.

After putting what he wanted in it, he pressed 'Save', and then it was onto putting something as his profile picture. Looking through millions of pictures that were taken of him by Alluka, he stumbled onto one that was just simple shadow. He chose that one.

"Okay, since it looks like you know your way around this website, what to do next?" Killua looked to her, seeing her still acting like a child. "Wait." Was all she said.

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