Work Sucks

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Before we begin, I just want to remind everyone about the general knowledge of ×Readers!

First off, the general 'lingo' of the story.

Y/N - means 'your name'. Whatever cute or horribly horrendous name you call yourself, this is it.
F/C is your favorite color.

I'll add more as the story continues, but I feel like I've already talked too much.




I just got yelled at by my boss. I can't help it! The stupid twat was cat calling me. Happens to the best of us, I suppose.

You see, I work at a small pub on the East Side of Ottery. What's Ottery? you may ask. Ottery is a small town of just around 3000. We have several cultured events, including the tar barrel event.

But you don't care about that! You came here for a bit of banter with our noodley boi, right?

Fine, fine. On with the story.

So, as I was saying, I just got yelled at by my boss. He told me that if I acted up once more, then I would be fired and have to find somewhere else to work.

HA! As if I want to work at this joint for much longer! My best friend and I have been saving up for ages to move to London, and once I'm there, I don't plan on driving three hours to work every morning.

You see, Ottery is great, but I think it's time for a change. My mother's been nagging me tons, telling me to be successful, like my older sister. Lena is a Doctor, you see. She makes tons of money and can spend it on whatever she likes. Our dear, sweet, non-biased mother has miraculously become biased. Who'd have thought?

Ah, well. Who needs them, anyway? Not me.


Okay, maybe just a bit. No, really! I will miss them when I'm gone, but I really need a break, y'know?
(Okay, okay. Done with a bit of backstory for now. Expect lots more in the future.)

Thank god. Done with my shift. I headed home, my feet dragging all the way. As I opened the door, my mother stood up from her place on the sitting room sofa. Her eyes flickered with annoyance.

"Y/N, I thought you were moving out! Why are you back?" Her piercing voice put my headache over the edge with pain.

"Mum, please! I had a hard day at work. I just need some rest. Kate and I are leaving tomorrow," I told her, rubbing my aching temples as I did.

She huffed and stormed away and up the stairs. I followed her, but went to my room, instead.

A cute little bedroom, with F/C painted walls and a spanning... twin-size bed. Listen, I know it's not much, but it suits me fine. I take my shoes off and change into something more comfortable. My laptop sits on the floor by my bed, where I watch YouTube before I sleep.

I go and sit down on my bed, the springs creaking from the pressure. A little notification light is glowing on my phone. I pick it up from its place on my nightstand. It's a text from Kate.

Hey, Y/N!

Ugh, what does she want? There'll be plenty of time to hang out once we've moved into the new flat!

What do you need, Kate?

Would u be cool if I brought along some guys to help us?

Why wouldn't I be? Just as long as they don't have Ulterior Motives.

I can't imagine these two would, but okay.

I sigh. Kate's always had a knack for attracting guys, but they usually only last a few days. I can't deal with her being upset about them right now. Hopefully these two stay around a bit longer.


Awe, sweet! This is already better than my other two, I can tell. Please, though. Give me ideas for what our tall lads will say in the next few chapters. I could REALLY use the advice.

See ya!

Silver Linings  (Dan Howell×Reader)Where stories live. Discover now