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The beautiful jewelry, adorning his throat, shined brightly under the light of the chandeliers, as he leaned back, legs crossed over each other. A smile formed itself on his heart-shaped lips, while he gazed at the older man next him (or the rolex wrapped around his wrist). A hand found his toned thigh, which he just ignored, as he planned his next attack.

That guy was tipsy, maybe even drunk slightly, and was currently busy playing poker or checking him out. Couldn't be more perfect.

His small hand wandered over to the one on his thigh, squeezing and caressing it softly, and he just let his fingers wander over the golden rings, that slightly tickled his skin, before he oh so carefully slipped one off, quickly stuffing it into his small jacket pocket.

"You're so beautiful", the man muttered near his ear, making the redhead scrunch his nose up in disgust, hiding it fast with a faked smile.
"Would you excuse me for a minute, I need to go to the bathroom to freshen up a bit."

"Of course, sweetheart", the other replied, as he stood up, his steps gracefully, before nearly sprinting away after a few meters. Once he rounded the corner to the small corridor that lead to the bathrooms, he released a deep breath, which he didn't know he was holding. He laid a hand on his chest to help steadying his breathing, before he wandered over to his pocket, feeling the weight of the expensive jewelry through the material.

The new Gucci-pullover was finally going to be his.

With a proud grin plastered on his face, he rounded the corner again, this time choosing the other way to another part of the large casino. And there he was, his next target.

A man, seemingly not much older than himself, wrapped in expensive clothes and jewelry; hot too.

He could tap that ass, but right now, he's only here for important business matters.

Taking long, careful steps, he prepared himself mentally, as he approached the other. He sat at one of the more occupied tables, playing poker with a few other men, who were surrounded by young and pretty girls just like himself, but Hoseok wouldn't be Hoseok, if he couldn't get rid of them.

He gently pushed past one of the girls, who looked at him offended, while he now stood next to the handsome stranger. Leaning down, he softly caressed his back and shoulders, making sure to get him to notice him. A small smirk formed on the man's lips, looking at Hoseok for a short moment, before going back to concentrating on the game.

His brown doe-eyes scanned over the other, admiring the golden bracelet around his wrist and the diamond-ring around his finger. The game came to a quick break, whereupon the stranger gave his attention to him, dark eyes looking him up and down. And he thanked god in heavens, that this handsome dude was more interested in him than in the two other, he must say, quite pretty girls surrounding him.

"What are you doing here, peaches?"

His voice was not as deep as he expected, but it was still enough to let a pleasant shiver run down his spine.

You're at work, Hoseok. Please concentrate on the task at hand.

"This game seemed to be quite interesting, so I thought I could just spend some time here just watching."

"I wouldn't mind, if you did." The guy pointed at the free leather chair next to him and Hoseok knew that he just landed another hit.

Guess, who can buy the new Balenciaga-shoes, in addition to the Gucci-pullover tomorrow.



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Hiring a hitman usually costs about 30.000 to 40.000 dollars, if the client wants them to have a painful death, then maybe a bit more, but Taehyung's quite surprised, when he gets offered 200.000$ to kill a certain Park Jimin. At first, he thought, that maybe this guy didn't have many experience in this business and thought that a human's life was worth more than a new car.

But it actually all made sense, when he discovered, who Park Jimin was, he wondered, how he didn't know from the start: The boss of the biggest mafia of his city.

He only heard rumors: Frightening and ruthless, one of the most dangerous man one could come across.

And now, as he sits by the large bar, sipping on his drink, he can see, why this man has this reputation. He's not as tall as he expected him to be, but he's broad, you can the muscles even through the material of his expensive suit and his aura is powerful, almost frightening. Taehyung's plan was to observe and watch him as long as he's around people and get him, when he's alone or at least not in such a crowded place like this.

He's surrounded by girls, but eye-catching was the delicate man that currently sort of clung to his side, Taehyung wondering, if they had some sort of relationship with each other, but regarding Jimin's occupation, they probably did not. He looked at his old wrist-watch, checking the time. It was 3 am and he just hoped, that the guy didn't want to stay much longer.

Right now, he didn't seem to be wanting to go, so Taehyung concluded that he still had enough time to go to the toilet.

After washing his hands and exiting the bathroom, he felt himself bump into a body much slimmer than his own. "Oh, I'm so sorry", he heard the stranger's soft voice, as delicate hands found his chest, before wandering down to his hands, all in a quick motion. It was the man, who he noticed before, sitting next to a certain Park Jimin. And coming face-to-face with him, he was even more gorgeous than from a far.

"It's alright", he mumbled, a bit mesmerized, receiving a breathtaking smile in return. The hands left his body, the man taking two small steps backwards, disappearing behind the doors.

With a small sigh Taehyung shook his head, his dark locks following the motion, before he turned around to corner just to see that his target was gone.


What time is it?

"What the fuck-"

His watch was gone. Hastily patting his suit jacket pockets only to find them completely empty, even checking his trouser pockets, they were empty too.

His phone and his wallet were gone.

Without hesitating, he stormed into the bathroom, a shiver running down his spine. The window was opened wide and-

"That little fucker did not just steal my watch!"

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