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• Vanessa's pov
Today's the day I go for winter camp idk but it's this camp where there ppl ofc and they just go climbing to Mont everst. Ik it's dangerous but who fucking cares.

• Grayson's pov

Today's the day I go to winter camp ( A/N I don't wanna explain it all again cuz I did it in nessa's pov so just pretend I explained it in Gray's pov too k bye)

I reached there and first since I'm the head of the camp, the leader so after an. While ppl started coming in btw i live in China cuz that's where the mount everst is lol so as I was saying when ppl started coming in i instantly saw this girl she had hazel eyes, brown hair, perfect lips lol, and when she smiled she showed her deep dimples aww. But most importantly she was really pretty.She looked innocent as fuck.

• Vanessa's pov

When I entered the camp with my friends I saw this guy he was tall, handsome, muscular he had hazel eyes like mine and he was overall hot.
He was looking at me and I got butterflies in my tummy. I wonder what he thought about me but one thing is for sure I knew he thought about me cuz everyone else thinks the same he might have thought I was innocent as hell but trust me I am a badass bitches.

*1 hour later*

I was talking to my friends and he was talking to his when he came up to me and said "I wish I could kiss you" I was hella confused and said " excuse me?"
"It was a dare" he said  "ha ha ha very funny.... What's you're name?" "Oh it's Grayson and yours" "Vanessa"
"Okay princesses" Grayson said "don't you dare call me that" "okay princess"
He went laughing to his friends and one of my friends said "oooo he's so hot and sexy " "what rubbish" I said.

*at night*

Everyone were having a blast. People were sitting around the campfire some were dancing some were singing some were standing while some were talking to each other it's really was cozy. But I couldn't find Grayson anywhere not that I liked him or anything but just was kinda worried okay okay I liked him. What it's not my fault he's so hot.
Anyway I found him  smoking, he was sitting btw so I spotted him and went over to him.

• Grayson's pov

I saw Vanessa coming my way. And then she sat next to me "hey wassup" she said
"Nothing much" I said back with a smile. This went on for hours and then it was finally time to go to bed. I told everyone that's why. Btw Vanessa knew I was the leader of the camp.
And while talking to her she looked pretty as fuck.

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