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"Aw look at you, you're so cute." Felix happily says as he plays another game of minecraft for the 100th time.

The beutiful block dog was currently chasing his tail hoping to catch up to it as Felix tended boat cow by furiously throwing waterwellons at it.
All was good in broland.

Until suddenly a creeper goes up from behind the dog making Pewds scream at the top his lungs.

"NO SVEN NOOO!" he screeched quickly taking out a sword and attacking the creeper. Sven didn't do anything, he curiously looked at the YouTuber with his cute pupper head tilted.

"SVEN WHAT ARE YOU DOING GET AWAY FROM HIM!!" Felix screamed as the green monster was ready to blow up. "NOOOOO!"

The creeper blew up creating a big hole in the explosion. "S-sven?" Pewdiepie tilted his charecter view all over the map. No Sven. "Sven?!"

Gaming week was over! Sven was gone thanks to a stupid creeper!! Just like jöregen just like Water Cow! Sven met the same fate.

Pewds was ready to burst out into tears but a bark from behind caught the gamer off guard and his frown turn into a relived smile.

"Oh, Sven!" Pewdiepie let out a sigh of relief turning around to see his lovely dog wagging his tail at him.

Sven is simply too epic, he can not die.
"let's go on another epic gamer adventure Sven!" Pewds happily says taking out Jöregen 2 from his crate.

pewdiepie x svenWhere stories live. Discover now