Prologue: Two Brothers

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There once were two brothers.

The older brother was tall and charming. Charismatic and breathtaking. The type to fill an empty soul with love and laughter. The type to make you think about them long after they have left your side.

The younger brother was quiet and shy. Invisible and silent. The type to go unnoticed and slide by. The type you'd have to pay extremely close attention to in order to understand.

But despite their never-ending differences, these brothers had one thing in common.

Their love for each other.

They were two brothers who loved each other deeply. Who loved each other dearly.

Two brothers who would sacrifice themselves for the other.

They experienced life together. They grew and expanded and laughed together. They shrunk and dissolved and weeped together.

They thought they'd never ever break apart. They expected to be tied together like laces on a shoes. They expected to always fit together like puzzle pieces.

It was their opposites that kept them together - like yin and yang.

They thought the entire world was on their side. They thought the moon glowed with love in the night skies whenever it saw the two brothers laughing together. They thought the stars twinkled with amusement whenever they saw the two brothers play-fighting together. They thought the ocean's tides tried to get closer to them when they saw the two brothers building sand fortresses together.

They thought the entire universe was rooting for them.

And it was. It was for a long time. 16 years to be exact.

But while the entire universe was cheering the brothers on, there was one thing that wasn't.

And that was age.

So on the 17th year, the two brothers broke apart.

And now only one remains.

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