New Beginning

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Jisung POV

Stinging. Today I woke to stinging. It wasn't bad stinging it, just felt like someone putting rubbing alcohol on an opened cut. It's my eighteenth birthday, the day I get my mark. mating mark to be exact. I've been expecting it so I wasn't really surprised.

This mark tells if you have a dominate or submissive nature, it's practically the only way you find your 'soul mate'.

A mate mark is a stamp formed on the underside of the left wrist. It's permanent like a tattoo so you can't get rid of it. Even if you where to cut off that arm it would appear somewhere else. The two stamps you could get where a lock or a key.

A lock meant you where of the submissive nature, an omega.

A key meant you where of dominate nature, an alpha.

But on the apposite wrist there was a black band, which everyone had. When you find your soul mate their name appears on the band.

If you where an omega, your mark would change when you got claimed by your alpha.

Originally, your stamp would be the lock, but it's not locked. When your claimed by your alpha, normally through love making or true admission of love, the lock would close. Once the omega was claimed no one could touch them without permission of their alpha.

" Jisung sweetie wake up ! " My mom shouted from down the stairs. I groaned feeling around for my glasses on my night stand before sitting up and putting them on my face. Sighing I pull my hoodie sleeve up revealing a lock..I groan throw myself backwards on my bed, grabbing my pillow and screaming into it. I don't want to be bossed around and have to deal with some alpha perve.

Omegas more or less had to do anything their alphas told them to do as a thank you for caring for them, pampering them, etc. And if their omega was to misbehave your alpha had the right to punish you anyway they would like. As long as it wasn't in any 'abusive manner'.

" Oh god. " I whine and go downstairs and hug my mom. " Mommy I don't wanna do it~ " i whine.

" Do what sweetie ? " she asks hugging me back

" I don't wanna serve a stupid alphaaaa~ I wanna be me. " I continued to complain

My mom just giggled a bit and pulled away from our hug, " Jisung just because your an omega doesn't mean you need to serve anyone else~ You can still be'll just have the protection and safety from your alpha. "

I roll my eyes and mumbles " I'm a strong independent omega that don't need no alpha.."

My mother giggled again and pulled out a chair " Sit, lets eat and then we'll go out for you birthday. " she announced before Jisung groaned.

" I don't want to go out ! I might find a mate on accident.." I exclaim, mumbling the last part.

My mother sighed before she hugged me from behind " Ji, this is all apart of growing up... I know that it might not seem ideal but you'll get through it..I believe in you. " She kisses my head before she gets me my breakfast.

I space out thinking about what she said before I sigh. " alright Ji..we'll get through this it's not that is right, we gotta grow up. "

My mom comes out with breakfast and we start eating.

// So like- new story- after I've been gone for  like 734672827381937733 years- how ya been-

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2020 ⏰

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