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Be comfortable in your own shoes.

Stay positive.

Probably everyone battling self confidence has heard this from SOMEONE. However, its a lot easier said than done for those of us who genuinely have a tough time feeling confident.

I have a simple saying i never want you to forget.

" I will always feel like a princess wearing her own glass slipper. "

Now lets get started with some helpful tips!


Appearing Confident

1. Look the part. Or, as the saying goes, "fake it 'til you make it." If you know that you look like a confident, capable person, eventually you'll start to feel it, too. You should dress how you feel best -- not what you think confident is. Try these tricks:

Devote a little time each day to personal hygiene and making sure you're presenting yourself well. Shower daily, brush and floss your teeth, and groom your skin and hair.

Dress for confidence. You don't have to buy a whole new wardrobe to feel better in your clothes. As long as you're clean, comfortable, and feel good, you're set up for confidence. After all, you wouldn't wear a three-piece suit on a pizza delivery. If you think you look good, odds are you probably do. Be careful that you don't overdo it (e.g. putting on tons of make up or wearing too revealing clothes). Dressing appropriately for situations gives you one less thing to worry about.

Step 2 of 3.

2. Perfect your posture. How you carry yourself communicates a lot to other people, so make sure you're telling them that you're confident and in-charge. Keep your shoulders back, your spine straight, and your chin high. Walk with purpose instead of dragging your feet, and sit up straight. When you look like a confident person on the outside, you'll be approached as one by the world around you.

You won't only fool everyone else -- you'll fool yourself too. Recent research shows that the positioning of your body cues your mind to feel a certain way -- so positioning yourself confidently will make you genuinely feel in charge. And to top it off, having confident body language has been linked to lower levels of stress, too.

4. Smile. Keep your grin in easy reach -- you'd be surprised how even the smallest of smiles can disarm many a social situation and make everyone feel more comfortable. Can you imagine approaching someone who's scowling? No thank you.

If you're worried your smile is fake, keep it small. A fake smile can be spotted from a mile away. On the other hand, if you're genuinely happy to see them -- or just happy for the chance to practice your new confidence skills -- flash those pearly whites!

5. MAKE EYE CONTACT! Our eyes are uniquely human. They are windows to the soul, if you will, and showcase our attention and feelings. By making eye contact, you will improve the quality of your interactions in addition to appearing more confident. In fact, you'll come off as more likeable and trustworthy and those who converse with you will feel more appreciated. If you can't do it for you, do it for them!

6. Have approachable body language. If you see a person huddled in the corner pretending to play games on their mobile phone, are you really going to come up and say hello? Probably not. If you want others to approach you, make sure you're approachable!

Keep your body open. If you have your arms and legs crossed, you're telling the world that you're not interested in welcoming them in. Same goes for your face and hands -- if it's clear you're preoccupied with something else (be it a thought or your iPhone), people will take the hint.


Think back on compliments from other people. What have they told you about you that you otherwise haven't noticed or acknowledged? Maybe they've remarked on your smile, or your ability to stay cool and collected in stressful situations.

Remember past accomplishments. It can be something other people recognized, like being at the top of your class, or something only you know about, like a quiet act of service to make life easier for someone else. Realize how great this was. You go!

Think about the qualities you try to cultivate. No one's perfect, but if you're actively trying to be an honorable, good person, give yourself some credit for effort. The fact that you think about bettering yourself at all says that you're humble and good-hearted, and those are positive attributes.

Now write down everything you can think of and refer back to it next time you're feeling down. Add to it as you remember more things you can take pride in doing.

8. Think of the obstacles that stand in the way of your confidence. Take a piece of paper and write all the things that you think are keeping you from becoming confident, e.g., bad grades, introversion, not many friends, etc.

Now ask yourself this: Is that valid or logical? Or are these just assumptions on my part? FYI, the answers are "no" and "yes," respectively. How in the world does it make sense that one thing determines your self-worth? It doesn't!

Here's an example: You didn't get good grades on your last math test, so as a result you're not confident when it comes to your next test. But ask yourself this: If you studied really hard, worked with the teacher, and prepared for the test, would you do better?! YES.

That was just one event and has nothing to do with you. You have absolutely ZERO reason not to be confident.

9. Here's a true fact for you: Most people are too preoccupied with how they appear to be constantly judging you. Ever notice how people love talking and looking in things that are even just barely reflective?

99% of people are inwardly focused. Breathe a sigh of relief and recognize that you don't have to be perfect all the time.

Stop comparing yourself with everyone else. Not everything is a competition, and viewing life that way will wear you out. You don't have to be the smartest, prettiest, most popular person in order to be happy. If you have a strong competitive streak that you can't completely ignore, try competing with yourself instead and strive to keep getting better.


Don't get discouraged if you're not immediately awesome. Remember that learning is a process, and you're in it for the small victories and the relaxing recreation time, not to be the best ever.

Take up a hobby you can do with a group. Finding like-minded people who share your interests can be an easy way to make friends and build confidence.

Look around your community for groups you can join, or find kinship with fellow hobbyists.


Okay! Thats all the tips i can give you for self confidence. If you need more advice, please comment and i will individually contact your for help!

Thank you so MUCH for reading! hope you enjoy'

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