((Hello everybody this story may be a bit confusing at first but we are startin off with trey the main character going to school for the first time after being home schooled for most of his life he meets 2 new friends on his first day hope you enjoy))
My alarm clock goes off at 7 am. I wake up looking at the time then sighs and unplugs the clock and goes back to sleep. My mom walks into my room waking me up for the first day of school when I really dont want to go. I wish I was home schooled again so I can wake up later in the day and actually be ready to do something. I finally decided to get out of bed take a shower and finish my morning routine. I go down stairs to my kitchen and plops my self at the dinner table and puts my head on top of arms and sleeps till breakfast was done.
Trey " atleast I got a bit more sleep"
Mom "before you go to school I want to take first day of school pictures to I can post them on facebook!"
Trey *sighs* "mom...why"
Treys mom walks back to the oven to get the rest of the breakfast excited to finally take her first kid to school.
After breakfast was done everyone loaded up in the car and drove off* treys mom pulls up to school and stops by the side walk as trey grabs his bag and finds his way to the office to pick up his schedule for the rest of the year. After the office person gave me my schedule two other students came in and stared me. I looked down and walked out the room and walked around the hall ways till I found my homeroom. I went inside and sat in a seat and took out my phone and played music and everyone looked at me when they walked in. I could hear the girls whispering about me but I dont know if it's a good whisper tho. The teacher walked into the room and smiled at me. The announcements came on and everyone stood up saying the pledge then everyone sat down and listened to the principle talking about what's happening today. The bell range for first period and the same two people I was from the office was right behind me. I looked at my schedule and looked at the room numbers to find the right room. I walked into English and sat in the seat that has my name tag on it. The teacher said goodmorning and talked to us about what we are going to need for the rest of the year. I wrote down every supply she said we need in a note book I brought with me. I was suprised I found every class on the first day without mistakes. It was lunch time and I sat at a table alone I didnt bother to talk to anyone so I read a book I got from the library. The two people that were in the office had the same lunch as me to. They sat next me and introduced there selves to me and smiles.The girl " hi I'm Emma we and my friend leslie saw you in the office and thought you needed someone to talk to"
Trey "oh hi I'm trey thanks for thinking of me I guess"
Emma "no problem"
Leslie "so where are you from?"
Trey " I've lived here all my life I've never been to a public school or any kind of school before so this is my first year here"
Leslie " so you were home schooled?"
Trey " yup"
The bell range to our next class and I grabbed my stuff and walked away and left them at the table I dont do friends and i like to keep it that way. It was finally time to go home and my mom picked me up and drove home.
Mom " so how was your first day of school?"
Trey " its was good" I say as I'm smiling.
Trey " I had a good day let's go home"

A Night With No Sleep
Romancethis story is about a guy named trey and 2 other friends that eventually found out they have been followed by there old friend which mains to be unknown. 2 of the people die but which ones?? read to find out!