I Seen That

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Kayla sighed heavily as she walked back to her house.

Once again,Jay had refused to see her.

It had been three whole days since he'd picked her up from Perla's house

And it had been the last time he'd talked to her.

He had dropped her off without as much as a word and had totally ignored her when she'd tried to make conversation with a lame excuse that he had a headache

Apparently he still had a headache.

She turned back one last time before continuing on her short journey back home.

Jay's parents had let her in every day after school for the past three days to see Jay but he still  refused to let her into his room

The snob

She got to her house, unlocked the door and headed on straight for her room.

She took the steps two at a time: her footsteps echoing loudly in the otherwise empty house.

She made a quick visit to the bathroom and jumped on her bed with Jay still on her mind

Why was he ignoring her ?

She was really trying to find out what his problem was,but honestly, she couldn't think of anything that could make him act like that

Nothing at all

She sighed and turned on her side trying to think of a way to get him to talk to her.

They hardly went through stuff like this


He'd been out of school for those three days and for some reason,she felt it had something to do with her.

He wouldn't talk to the girls either

There goes her one option of getting through to him.

She'd had moments like these with Jay where they'd try to act mad at each other and end up realizing it was a waste of time

It never lasted

But for some reason,this was really bugging her and she wouldn't just wait it out and wait for him to come back to her like he always did

Like they'd promised each other they always would



( Seven Years Ago )

Kayla's eyes widened as she realized that the tapping sound she had been hearing was coming from her window

It was a quarter past eleven pm and she'd been fast asleep before her peaceful sleep had been interrupted by the tapping 

She slowly got out of bed still sleepy and walked towards the window just as the tapping stopped and she flicked on the light

It was way past her bedtime.

She opened the window only to find a crouched little figure in the shadows right outside her window.

She was about to scream when the figure stood up allowing her to make out the familiar features.


What was he doing here ?

And at this time too 

But most importantly

Yesterday's Happiness ( Growing Up )Where stories live. Discover now