Death Can Be One Of The Best Things To Happen To You...

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The Hospital wing was empty of patients except her.

Some son-of-a-bitch pushed her out a window, and now here she was, barely alive.

Pomfrey had shooed everyone out except me, well she tried to get me out but I wouldn't leave her.

Did I mention that 'her' was the love of my life, Lily Evans?

No? Must have slipped my mind.

It was about dinner and my friends had tried to make me eat or sleep but I said I'd be fine, I think that they sensed that there was no moving me so they left me.

She'd been here, in a coma, for 3 nights, and I'd stayed by her side the whole time.

I heard a noise from Lily's bed, my head snapped over and my eyes widened.

Her eyes were open a fraction and she was looking around a bit.

"Lily." I said softly.

"James?" She asked, her voice hoarse and barely above a whisper.

"Yeah." I smiled, grabbing her hand.

The corners of her mouth twitched before they recoiled in pain.

"Listen, I don't have much time. I love you James, never forget that. If I die don't mourn me, carry on with your life, same for the others, you only live and love once James." She whispered hoarsely.

"You're not going to die Lils." I whispered, a tear running down my face.

She spluttered a cough and her eyes started to close again.

"NO! Lils! Don't leave me!" I cried, tears were now pouring down my face.

"I'm sorry, but it's too late James." She said, a tear leaving her eye.

"But I'll still love you no matter what happens. Remember that. Goodbye James." She whispered before her eyes closed completely and her hand lay limp in mine.

Her chest stopped moving and I could no longer feel her pulse.



She came running, or walking as fast as she could.

"What happened Potter?" She asked, worried.

"It's Lily, she's gone." I whispered, two rivers of tears streaming down my face.

Tears sprang to Pomphery's eyes as she moved over to Lily, checking her pulse and breathing.

"Yes, it appears she has, Mr Potter." She said, her voice thick with tears.

We stood there for a while just staring at her.

"Go, tell your friends, they deserve to hear it from you." She told me, after she put a preservation charm on Lily's body.

I nodded and walked solemnly towards the Great Hall.

"Prongs mate! She's alright?" Sirius asked hopefully.

Death Can Be One Of The Best Things To Happen To You...Where stories live. Discover now