my luck

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My life was always a disapointment. i rarely have friends,and when i do things happen to them and these were not nice things they were very bad and didnt turn out well in my mind or their everyone thinks im cursed even my parnts think so , but they wont tell me that. but i can tell by the look on their faces when im around one wants to talk to me not even say hello down the hall . they are all so afraid of me because they think something will happen to them . In other words im a loner .until Luke Hemmings came along and asked me on a date at frist i didnt no who he was but luke was realy sexy so i said yes i met the rest of the band and got a kiss of luke it was so sweet the best kiss in the world and it was my first kiss omg when everyone found out about it they all wanted to be my friends and i was the most popular kid in school it was the best feeling in the world not as good as kissing luke that was realy luckly of me to of get a kiss for luke . NEXT WEEKS WILL BE A NEW CHAPTER 2 

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