first meeting

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Hey i've got new inspiration so here is another xreader. This time not about Legolas buttt, about EDWARD CULLEN. I started reading the first book and i love IT SO much, so i'm going to watch the film and i love Edward so much☺️❤️ so i decited to make a xreader about him. Hope you like it! And please don't judge me, nu english is so bad!😂

When i woke up it was rainy outside. There were thick clouds and it miserated. I heard the wind howling around the house.
I jumped out of bed and walked to the window. I relized i had to hurry. I picked up the clothes on the chair and put them on, I went downstairs where Charlie was already waiting for me. He made pancakes for me.
'hey Charlie, good morning!'
'good morning Bella, i made pancakes as you can see.'
'yes thank you!'
When I had finished my pancakes I washed off.
I really didn't feel like school, how should I survive this day. Jessica should probably talk all the time. That was so annoying. I don't talk very much. And certainly not about myself, but she did it all the time, that's what i found so annoying about her.

I was to early at school, i was the only one eccept from a silver Volvo. There was no one in it so i grapped my stuff and walked to a table under a tree where i started checking math.  And then the parking lot slowly filled up. Out of nowhere was there a boy on my right. I looked up and there Mike stood. He had a big smile on his face.
'good morning Bella!'
' good morning Mike.'
'are you coming with me inside?'
'yeah okay, i'll grap my stuff.'
I  put my books in my backpack and stood up.
The day was normal as ever. Nothing special happened. Well there is something special, actually someone.

When i was in the canteen i saw a group students. There were sitting in the back around a table. Nothing special, but when you looked at there appearance you saw that they weer very different than others. They had a white skin, golden/brown eyes and they are incredibly handsome, I have never seen such handsome people, it looked like they came from a magazine.

And then he turned around and looked me straight in the eyes. I petrified, I couldn't breathe and my heart skipped. He hold my eyes for a few seconds, but it felt like a thousend years. And then he turned his head away. His jaw was tense. Did i  something wrong? When i saw that one of the others around that table was looking at me i turned around. Jessica, who was sitting next to me, whispered in my ear: 'those are the Cullens, nobody talks to them, you also don't really get the chance.'
I asked: ' who is that boy on the right?'
'ohw he,' she chuckled, ' that's Edward, he is cute isn't he?!'
'uhm yeah right, is he mad?'
'what do you mean?'
'oh just, argh let it go.'
'uhm okay,' the bell ringed, ' come we have to go to class.'
'yeah right.'
When i walked out of the canteen i took a look over my shoulder, but they were disappeared. I asked myself what was going on with them, why should you not talk to other people?! Well they have to get a good reason.

After school i walked to the library wich was next to the school. There were no cars , eccept from my truck and the silver Volvo. I asked myself from who it was. Well i would know fast.

I didn't know what i was looking for actually. I came at the row of romances. I took a book out of the row, and on that moment took someone also a book out of the row on the other side. And there Edward Cullen stood opposite me, on the other side of the line of books. I gasped.
'hey, i'm Edward Cullen, you're Isabella Swan right?'
'uhm', I stuttered,' yeah, but please call me Bella.'
'alright Bella, i saw you in the canteen earlyer.' He smiled.
And omg, he has the most beautiful smile i've ever seen.
'uhm, yeah you're right.' i smiled back, ofcourse.
'sorry if i looked a little mad, i just had a rough day yesterday.'
'i understand.'
' you like reading?'
Again that smile, litterally omg, if he wants me death, then he has to smile the hole day.
'yeah very much actually, you?'
'yes i love it! What kind of books are you into?'
' me too!'
'can you please be quiet!! This is a library, not a café !!!' screamed someone, probably the secretary.
'oeps, haha' i chuckled.
'i think we have to be quiet or, if you want we can talk outside.'
Again that smile omg, in dying!
'yeah lets talk outside, but first i want to take this book.'
We walked to the counter.
When we were outside it was kind of awkward actually.
And then he asked:' is that truck yours?'
'uhm yeah...'
'haha, that's my car.' and he point to the silver Volvo.
'you like fast cars, am I right?' i laughed.
'yup, you're totally right!'

We laughed together, It was actually quite a long time ago that I really laughed with someone. And I never expected it to be with him, that I would just chat with him. It felt nice.

'i have to go,' he said. Out of no where was his jaw tense like he was mad or something.
' are you mad?'
'what no, well yes, but let it go, bye.'
And then he was gone.
I Just stood there, my mouth open. Slowly i felt the anger groing trough my body. What is wrong with him! First he laughs with me and then out of no where he is mad at me! I did nothing wrong! Well i don't know what is wrong with him but tomorrow i will ask. I hope he has a good reason tho.

That night i couldn't sleep well. I had a dream... About him... About Edward. He stood a couple of meters away. I tried to walk to him but he turned around and walked away. I started to run and shouted his name, but he just walked. He wasn't running or something but i couldn't come closer.
I screamed and screamed. And finally out of no where i stood behind him. I wanted to grap his shoulder but when i was about to touch him he disappeared.

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