the incidence

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A/N: Hi, this is my first story and I am very sorry for the grammar and spelling mistakes. I am 8 years old and I am not typing this Author's Note. My sister is.

P.s if you love Nalu go check out @StarryEdits

She's my older sister.

Pss if you love HTTYD go check out @Cyber Dragon123

He's my only/older brother.

On to the story!

In a galaxy far far away there was a cheetah named Jack that's do all the labour well his mom watch the cheetah War fight fight fight fight my mom said. it was a bad day even though the war has no meaning like the other side want a fight then the one the host the fight says sure. So when he was chopping down trees a letter form Milky Way. It said a meteor shower is coming pack up and leave. At the war the meteor shower came on us what would Jack do.

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