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(Third P.O.V)

(The picture is just how I'm going to write some characters, I'll have to make up how Scrooge and Drake Mallard look like :P)

"Why are we here again?" Louie mumbled, glancing at al the ducks in front of him. He heard his great uncle grumble an answer, before he turned around and smiled proudly.

"Rumors have it that a mirror lays here, holding the answers to all the mysteries that have never been answered, and we'll be the first to find it, lad!" Scrooge explains, before turning back around. Louie looked over at his brothers, Huey ad Dewey, then at his friend, Webby, and finally at his uncle they forced along, before sighing.

"We've been searching for hours though! We should've found it by now! Let's go home!" Louie complained, earning a playful glare from Dewey.

"Not every adventure takes a couple minutes, Louie." Huey stated, still looking forward. Before anyone could say anything else, Dewey let out a gasp, making everyone turn to see what he was looking at. A huge mirror with a magenta diamond on top. Dewey ran up to it in awe, smiling widely. Webby went up next to Scrooge, who was the one in the front, and stared at the mirror, before tilting her head in confusion.

"Wait, but it looks different..." Webby mumbled to herself, before humming in thought.

"Guys, is it weird that I can't see myself-Whoa! It's like liquid?" Dewey exclaimed, putting his hand up to the mirror. He turned to look at his family, smiling with a raised brow. "Are you sure it's a mirror?" He then asks, before frowning in confusion and when he saw his family looking at the mirror in shock. Dewey looked at the mirror to see nothing. He then turned back to his family. "What's wrong?"

"D-Dewey-Step back." Donald demands, still looking at the mirror in fear.

"Are you guys trying to play a prank on me? Cause if you are, it isn't working-" Before Dewey could finish his sentence, he let out a yelp of surprise as he was suddenly being sucked into the mirror, as if it was a portal.

"Dewey!" Webby exclaimed, rushing to help her friend, the others following in tow. But nothing worked as they tried to help, only the fact that they were now all pulled into the mirror. Donald's hat flew backwards and fell to the ground. That's what was left, there were screams, and then silence.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~During all this/before~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(First P.O.V)

I quickly swung the door of my mansion home, bags of food in hand. I let out a mumble of tiredness as Jasper, my Australian Shepherd, came running to me, excited. I quickly slammed the door behind me with my foot, before taking the long walk to my kitchen. Jasper followed me all the way, waging his tail.

"Hi Jasper, how's my big boy?" I said in my baby voice, kneeling down to pet my dog. Jasper barked happily, rushing into my arms. I chuckled as Jasper licked my face. I then got back up, and started putting the groceries away. After that was done, I went to grab my phone, feeling hungry, but too lazy to make anything that night.

"Hi? Yes, could I have one large (F/T) pizza please? Okay....Thank you!" I finished, happily ending the call. I then headed over to the couch to finally relax after a long day with getting groceries. I grabbed the remotes, and turned on the TV, waiting for my pizza to arrive.

_ _ _

"Thank you!" I called out, my pizza in hand. I turned off the TV, and quickly walked over to the stairs, Jasper still following me around. I climbed until I got to my room. I opened the door and let Jasper in, and then I walked in, shutting the door behind me. I jumped onto my bed, grabbed my laptop, and turned it on. I quickly grabbed a slice of pizza, and waited until my laptop finally turned on. I got on YouTube, and started to watch some videos, bored. Jasper hopped onto my bed, and laid down, staring at the door in case something happened.

After many videos, it soon turned to night time, and I had eaten almost the entire pizza. I silently put my laptop back on the ground to charge, and close my pizza box to put it downstairs. I quickly got up and went downstairs, and put the pizza in the fridge. I got a glass of ice water, drank it, and made my way back upstairs. I closed the door behind me once again, and changed out of my clothes, putting on sweatpants and a tank top. I then laid myself on my cozy bed. I looked around my room, making sure everything looked the same, before laying back down. I heard Jasper get down from my bed and over by the door like he does every night. He'll just sleep by the door to know if there were strangers/robbers anywhere near my house.

I chuckled at his antics, before closing my eyes, ready for a peaceful sleep.


(Third P.O.V)

Dewey's eyes fluttered opened in confusion, wondering where he was, before realizing he's not in the same place he was. He sat up, looking around in panic. He spotted...What even were they? They were like, dogs, just with no fur, and usable thumbs. Dewey was quick to stand up, before wobbling, and plopping right back down. He blinked in surprise, before he looked down. He gasped as he saw that his body has change to exactly what everyone else in the room looked like. He looked over and saw a mirror, before he stood back up, using a coffee table for support. He looked down for just a couple of seconds, before looking back up, and saw that two of the creatures were waking up. He tried to back up, but only for him to trip and fall backwards.

"What happened?" Dewey looked at the taller creature in surprise, recognizing the accent almost immediately.

"Uncle Scrooge?" Dewey asks, watching as both creatures turned to him in shock.

"Dewey?" Dewey smiled in relief, realizing that his family was with him, just turned into some weird creature. Dewey got up, with the help of the coffee table, and hugged both of his uncles, smiling. He didn't notice that Huey, Louie, and Webby had also woken up, and were going into a slight panic, but Scrooge did.

"Alright kids, we'll figure this out-" Scrooge started, but jumped when he heard barking. Everyone turned their head to see a dog barking at them. And then, quick footsteps, sounded more like running, coming right behind the dog, making everyone try to hide.

"Who's there!?" A female voice sneered, making Webby look out from underneath the couch in surprise. She tapped Dewey, who was beside her, and pointed. Dewey looked up and gasped quietly, seeing a another creature that looked just like them standing there, a bat in hand. The dog in front of her came up to the couch and sniffed, making both Dewey and Webby gulp in fear. The dog soon started barking again, making the female take a shaky breath. "Alright, come out! You're already caught!" Dewey looked at Webby, who shook her head, trying to say no, but let out a yelp in shock as Dewey crawled from underneath the couch.

"Look, we're sorry!" Dewey exclaimed, on his knees. "There was this mirror and-"

"A kid?" The female asked herself, making Dewey go quiet. "A kid?" She asked again, glancing between Dewey and the dog.

"Well, it's not just me-" Dewey started explaining, before the dog barked again, looking over at the TV, and soon, Donald peeked out with Louie and Huey, scared for his life.

"Don't hurt him!" Webby exclaimed, getting out of the couch and stood in front of Dewey. Dewey glanced over, and found Scrooge coming from behind the corner, ready to attack. But that wasn't need, as the female holding the bat fainted from shock.


And here you go! The prologue! I am very excited to start writing this story, and I hope you guys enjoy it!

Who do you guys think should come through the portal next?

-Drake Mallard and Launchpad?

-Fenton, Gyro, and Mark?


-Lena, Jose, and Panchito?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2019 ⏰

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