Damian's Silent Scream:

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I do not own music/video!! I just added it because it was amazing!! :)

 Damian was aimlessly roaming the halls of Wayne manor deep in his own thoughts until he was brought out of his reverie when he finally reached his room. He was not meaning to go there, however, his legs just seemed to have a mind of their own. Damian walked over towards the large window that was frozen over on the outside, due to the latest snowstorm, making it all but possible to see the snow-white world that he called Gotham city. He stayed gazing at the window for hours just being lost in his train of thought. It was like the window reflected his now solidified heart. 

   It all started a few days ago when Alfred came up to Damian's room to tell him that Bruce, his father, requested his presence. Damian was elated at the fact that his father needed him but refused to let it show. Instead, he plastered his infamous icy glare on his face and did his signature "TT' sound. Damian had been known to the majority of his family as an arrogant brat. He was called  "The Demon Spawn", a personal insult used by Tim, and felt constantly berated by his family for his dark past. He felt distant from his father, always wanting to reach out to him in an effort to connect, but, neither one was good with dealing with feelings and emotions, so the seemingly never-ending tension remained. Only Dick Grayson, whom Damian respected a great deal but yet would never say, made his time at the manor bearable. Therefore, any chance he got to prove himself worthy to his father as an asset to him, made him jump at the chance.  He had reached the bat-cave to see Bruce putting on his super-suit and likewise, he did the same. Damian knew they were going on yet another nightly escapade, their target, The Clown Prince of Crime himself, The Joker. Joker had been kidnapping children from the streets of downtown Gotham, filling their bodies with high levels of Joker-Venom, and finally broadcasting the children being murdered in the sick and sadistic manner from a non-disclosed location. Batman had been tracking the broadcast back to its source and found that it was coming from the Gotham peer. Damian knew this mission was important and critical for both him and his father. The joker was one of the most diabolical villains on the planet. His barbaric acts of senseless coldblooded murder sickened Damian and brought back memories of his catastrophic past that best be left and forgotten. Damian was snapped out of his thoughts by Batman's voice beckoning him over to the batmobile. As soon as he got in, the car roared like a lion and they began to race like a jet to Joker's location. Damian was anxiously awaiting for them to arrive, as his thirst for battle ignited and burned like a scintillating flame.  Batman noticed this in an instant repeated the same reminder for what seemed like the millionth time. "Remember, justice not vengeance." 

 Justice, not vengeance, these words were constantly swirling around Damian's head. He had not killed anyone in a few years and the fact that his father still lectured him and filled his head with those words infuriated him. Did his father not trust him? Just as Damian was going to respond, he saw that they had arrived at the peer. Batman signaled Damian to follow him and the pair searched the area, tension, and resolve on their faces. They entered a building that was in ramshackle complete with broken windows and walls by which were caving in. Suddenly the lights flickered on and out came about 50 of jokers men and the clown himself. "Well, well, well, what do we have here? Have the bat and the bird come out to play?" he laughed maniacally as his henchmen sprinted towards Batman and Robin. Quick as a whip, they went about knocking the thugs out. It was going well when they were down to the last two henchmen. Robin had just knocked one of the last two thugs out when he saw the Joker appear behind his father, who was preoccupied with taking out the last of the henchmen and shot him straight in the chest. Damian watched as his father fell to the cold floor as blood began to flow out of him and made pools all over the cement floor. Enraged at seeing his father lying on the floor as Joker stepped on him and laughed in pure glee as if his father was some type of bug, Damian knocked out the last henchmen and then made a head-on assault at the Joker. He punched and kicked the Joker mercilessly until his face was black and blue and blood came gushing out like mini-waterfalls out of his nostrils. Notwithstanding the fact that he was getting beat to a pulp by Damian, Joker continued his wicked guffaw. This only inflamed Damian even more and made him see red. He threw the joker into a wall and took out his sword and let out his notorious battle cry. Just as Damian was about to pierce the Joker in his heart, he felt a burning sensation in his back,  as well as a shot of pain as a warm trail of blood, leaked down towards the floor. He dropped to his knees in a state of pure agony. He slowly turned his head and he felt instantly crestfallen. Batman, his own father, had without a second thought shot him. "Robin that is enough! I thought you could handle this mission but obviously you can not. You are no soldier or savior, you are a stupid hormonal teen that can not control his emotions!"At this, the Joker began to cackle until he was promptly knocked out cold by Batman. Damian felt physically and emotionally impaired, betrayed, and worst of all, lost. Did his father really think that lowly of him? Damian was about to counter his father's statement when he fell deep into unconsciousness. 

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