Cuty 🐶

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《Jimin p.o.v.》

'Just one more night' Jimin repeatedly says to himself. 'Just give yourself to one more night' mumbles the exhausted boy while trying to relieve the aching pain in his back and shoulders by massaging his shoulders. It is just for one more night, and after this, the exams will be over and the stress will all have been worth it.

At least that's what he has been telling himself for the last ten nights, studying hours upon end, just catching twenty minutes of sleep in between sessions and he can start feeling the toll it takes on his body.

But it's impossible to stop right now, Inferential Statistics is his worst subject and he really needs to pass the exam. His hands turn the page, taking more effort than it should, his eyes searching desperately for something he understands while hesitantly sticking his thumb between his plumb lips and starts sucking on it. Doing so often helps ease his anxiety, but right now it also causes drowsiness that makes him feel rather sleepy and his head starts to feel lighter. Quickly he jerks his thumb out of his mouth, immediately snapping out of it back into reality, angry at himself for needing to suck the digit in order for his anxiety to go away. Dammit, he sighs frustrated, he'll just have to grab a sucker then.

"Hey, sleepyhead, didn't you have an exam within an hour?" A groan escapes from under the fluffy brown head and he puts his arms over his head in an attempt to block out the noise and mentally curses Jungkook's voice for being so loud in the morning.
That is until the latter's words sink in... and he jumps up in panic, nearly throwing his laptop unto the carpet in doing so, oh God, he is so screwed.

Still half in a daze, he looks over at Jungkook, but the boy just smirks. "Should've set an alarm, they can be helpful at times you know." Jimin glares murderously at him, seriously this brats attitude gets worse every day.

The younger boy's expression softens, however, as he sees the blind state of panic his roommate is in, "Here," he says while pushing his steaming mug of black coffee into the elder's hands "it's still hot though, don't burn yourself."

Jimin thanks the boy by giving him a small smile, still anxious about how he's going to pass his exam. There's a part of him that knows he will be able to pass because let's face it, he's done the best he can, but still...

"Do you want me to make breakfast?" Jungkook softly asks. Jimin can feel his eyes widen in surprise by the amount of tenderness in his roommate's voice and the way his expressive chocolate eyes look down on him warmly. "Uhh... yeah s-sure" he can hear himself stutter in reply and mentally slaps himself. What's there to stutter about anyway? It's not like he's never made breakfast for Jungkook when he overslept, the boy is just simply returning the favour. He, however, can't stop the warm feeling spreading through his chest at the thought of getting taken care of.

In the half-year that they have lived together since enrolling into university, it has always been the other way around. Jimin would wake up early and make breakfast, when he got home from lectures he would make coffee and wait for Jungkook to come home so they could drink coffee together and discuss each others day. And Jungkook wasn't one to complain, because well, who could say no to the eye smiling boy when he beamingly offered you a plate with scrambled eggs, proudly pointing out that they weren't as burned as the last time he made them. And even though Jungkook did always feel slightly guilty and wanted to return the favour, he also knew that he would hurt the older boy if he offered to make breakfast instead, because he would misinterpret it as a subtle hint of Jungkook hating his cooking.

Jimin has always been caring by nature and doing things for others wasn't something that bothers him. So why the idea of his younger friend taking care of him made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside was something he couldn't quite put his finger on. It was kind of unsettling, but he pushed the feeling to the back of his mind, he had enough to stress about as it was now.

"Don't worry, you'll do just fine!" He hears Jungkook's way too loud voice call from the kitchen and mentally scoffs. It's easy for him to say, being 17 and enrolled in university, smart-ass of a brat!

《Jungkook p.o.v.》

The first thing he notices when he enters the apartment is a deafening silence. Now don't get him wrong, Jimin is a lovely roommate, but noise always seems to follow him around, whether it's his singing, his new favourite song blasting from the speaker, his endless cheerful babbling on the phone with his best friend or the fact that he tries to watch his favourite tv-shows from the kitchen table, it all requires big amplitude sounds.

So a quiet apartment is kind of alarming. It could be because Jimin thinks he failed his exams, he ponders as he enters the living room, only to find his older flatmate curled up on the sofa. "Hey, hyung, how did your Statistc exam go?" He hesitantly asks. Unrecognisable mumbling is the only reply he gets though. The younger just shrugs his shoulders, at least he isn't bawling his eyes out, could be worse, right?

"Cuty..." A soft voice mumbles from under a throw pillow. Jungkook's head snaps up in surprise, he knows Jimin is quite the flirty type, but he usually does this without realising it and has never taken it this far. He takes a deep breath, hesitant on what to reply, a little flirting back won't hurt, right? Jimin is quite cute now he thinks about it, a little clingy, but definitely cute. "You are too" he hears himself say. Did he really just say it that curtly, what if he always sounds like that? His existential crisis is cut short however once he hears a small whine escape from the brown-haired fluffy mess on the sofa. "No, I want Cuty, can you get Cuty? Please?"

Who the hell is Cuty!?

《Jimin p.o.v.》

"Who the hell is Cuty!?" He jumps up bewildered and stares at Jungkook in confusion. "What, why?" He tries to speak coherently, but he knows he sounds like a blubbering mess right now. No this can't be happening, why the hell is this even happening? What's wrong with him?
He can feel the tears starting to form in his eyes and tries to wipe them away quickly, before Jungkook notices, but only to discover that his thumb is covered in his own saliva. Anger starts to build up again, why did he fall asleep while sucking on his thumb, exams where over, there was no reason to be stressed anymore.
Jimin sighs deeply, trying to pull himself together before looking the bunny-like boy in the eyes "Did I really ask for Cuty?" He tries to speak louder, he really does, but it still comes out so soft.

The younger gives him a shoulder shrug "Well, yeah I guess. Who is it?"
Jimin can see Jungkook is dead serious but has to resist bursting out in giggles. "Cuty is my stuffed dog, I still sleep with it sometimes." The taller boy cocks an eyebrow "Ah and there I thought you were flirting with me. Hell, I even flirted back!"

Now Jimin really can't hold back anymore, he really tries to stop it, but bursts out in a fit of giggles. Luckily Jungkook joins him, also realising the absurdity of the situation.

Once he catches his breath he cuddles up more deeply into the sofa, he just feels so distant, barely able to keep his eyes open. "Okay then, I'll get Cuty for you." The younger calls in the distance. "Why do you need it now though?" He hesitantly feels himself stick his thumb between his lips. "Because I can't sleep without it." is what he hears himself reply before his head feels lighter and he drifts off to sleep.

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