First Year

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First Day;
Waking up the morning after the feast I find myself not in my bed, but wedged between the twins on one of the couches in the common room; Fred's arm draped over me protectively and George's left leg thrown across my lap. "Oi! Freddy, Georgie! Get up!" I whisper yell, shaking my brothers awake. "What is it, Peaches?" "We're sleeping, Strawberry." I huff at my brothers and tell them we need to go to breakfast. Nothing gets the Weasley brothers out of bed faster than the mention of food. Fred and George are on their feet almost instantly, heading upstairs to get dressed. Just before the door to their dorm closes George shouts that they'll meet me in the common room in ten minuets to escort me to the Great Hall. I rush to my dorm and quickly throw on my robes... being the only female Slytherin in my year would definitely have some perks. When I make my way back into the common room I see Fred and George whispering rapidly to each other and I already know what's going on; They're planning a prank. Walking over to them I say "Don't let Charlie catch you." Causing both my brothers to jump about a foot in the air.

Month One;
After the twins prank the first day of classes Charlie made sure either he or Percy walked me to all my lessons for the first month of school, the two of them worried I'd get lost and end up somewhere I didn't need to be. Exactly a month after the start I school I find myself sitting in the library with Cho and Adrian, the three of us working on our potions homework and attempting to hide from my brothers. "You'd think they'd leave you alone already." Adrian huffs when he sees Percy walk into the library and scan the seats to make sure I'm in here. "Charlie and I are close, so I'm not surprised he's got Percy looking after me when he can't... Fred and George accidentally let it slip to him about the nightmares, so I doubt they'll be leaving me alone anytime soon." After spotting me Percy takes a seat at the table directly behind my friends and I, I can feel him watching me but I choose not to comment... I just hope they learn that I don't always need a babysitter.

Month Two;
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Charlie asks as he watches me mount one of the schools brooms on the pitch, I'd been granted special permission to take private flying lessons with Charlie and Oliver on Fridays and today is the first time Oliver ever challenged me to a race. "Charlie, I'm not a little girl anymore. I know how to fly a broom, you taught me yourself... it's one little race." Charlie stops arguing with me and allows me to get into the air. Glancing at the stands I see Adrian and Cho watching me with excitement, this is the first time they've ever seen me fly. "Three laps around the pitch, first one back to me is the winner." Charlie announces before blowing his whistle. I take off before Oliver even registers the race has began, but he easily catches up to me. Three laps later and he and I are neck in neck when we reach Charlie, my brother declaring a tie. "You're not so bad, Weasley." Oliver says, clapping me on the back. "No, she's not. I need to have a word with little Weasley." Marcus Flints voice startles me, but I follow my housemate away from my Gryffindor flying companions.

Month Three;
As per Marcus's request I've been training with the Slytherin team every day since he discovered me racing Oliver Wood. Fred and George were the new Beaters on Slytherins team and Marcus almost smiled when he realized I was their sister. "All of your older brothers, except for that weird one in my year, are exceptional Quidditch players! I'm thinking that if I practice you this year, you'll be ready to play next year." He had said excitedly, after he'd stolen me away from Charlie and Oliver- ignoring the cautious glare my brother had been sending his way; And that brings me here, doing laps around the Pitch with Fred and George as Marcus watched the three of us like a hawk. He doesn't trust the three of us as far as he can throw us, but he admires our natural athletic abilities and he wants to harvest that for our house- and I can't say I blame him. "Captain?! What position am I even practicing for?" I shout, watching wearily as he grins at me like that cat who caught the canary. "Weasley, after speaking to your brothers I've concluded I can only put you one place... Chaser."

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