Chapter 1

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"Help let me out!" Poppie said she was locked up in a white chair and then Gus and Mika came they were saying something but Poppie couldn't hear anything , they hooked her up to something and put it on her mouth "Mika what if she's powerful we won't be able to cotrole her" Gus Said worried "Shut up Gus she can hear us and plus it will work it worked with her mom, dad , and brother!" Mika said.

Poppie's eyes had black lines running across her eyes and then she fell asleep, after a while she woke up and her eye color was grey. Gus put something on her neck and it hurt her after that she was sent to a room, her room was 16L on the 12th floor she went to her room and found a guy by the name of Dylan or as Mika calls him 101BN. Someone was at the door Dylan told Poppie to stand still then Gus came in "101BN and 123A is here yes Mika you were right she is under are control." Gus Said walking away. "So what's your name I'm Dylan." "Um Chandler" Poppie said "come on I know your lieing. It's Poppie." "How did you know?" "Mika has a book in her lab. Want me show you around but if Gus or Mika come you have to stand still." Dylan said. Then Dylan and Poppie went to Mika's lab and they were running there was a turn and Dylan stopped Poppie didn't know what he was doing, and then she ran into Mika, Poppie fell down "ow what the heck" Poppie said Mika grabbed her and took her to her lab when Poppie woke up her vision was blurry and her eyes were white "if we find out that your not under are control we will kill you" Mika said putting something in her neck. It was late when Poppie got back. "Poppie are you ok i'm so sorry it was my fault i'm sorr... what happend to your ey... never mind i'm sorry to ask you this but what did they do to you?" Dylan asked "Dylan if I get caught agin i'll die Miika is horrible." Poppie said sadly. The next morning Dylan was gone, when Dylan came back he told her that he went to Mika's lab and found out that there's more than just this hottel there was 15 other places like this and theres 16 in total and all of them are run by Mika Jouzen and Gus Nickson "There's no way out of here we'll be stuck forever Dylan don't wonder around anymore please I don't want you die please please please Dylan I don't want you to die." Poppie said worried Poppie fell asleep and then Dylan walked up to her and whispered "Poppie I promiss that i'll get you out of here I love you." Dylan siad and kissed her. When Dylan woke up Poppie was gone, Dylan ran down to the lab and there was Poppie, Dylan opened the door a crack so he could hear Mika "I like you Poppie i'll give you one more chance." Mika said. Then there was a pale hand on Dylan's shoulder, Dylan looked back it was Gus, Gus talked in a quiet voice "Mika is a bad woman I will help you get out I know your not under HER control."

Gus brought Dylan up to there room and then left, when Poppie came back her eyes were black and she was sick she laied on her bed and started to cry "Dylan she's killing me every time she hurting me Dylan promiss me you'll never get caught please." "Don't worry Gus will help us."

"WHAT HE KNOWS Dylan no he's gonna hurt us." Then Poppie fell asleep "I'm sorry Poppie, I promiss I'll help you Poppie Ann I love you." Dylan whispered in her ear and they he laied next to Poppie the next morning Dylan was gone, he was with Gus getting a helicopter "stay here and protect the helicopter incase Mika comes I'll go get Poppie." Dylan said, Dylan went to there room and got Poppie's bag and his bag and all there blankets and then he grabbed Poppie and carried her. He climbed the stairs until floor 14 when he found Gus "Gus you were supposed to be one the roof." Dylan said worried "I know I came to help you carry stuff so we can get up there faster." "Do you have your bags Gus?" "Yes I do and some blankets and a fire starter. So let's go." Gus said. They went to the roof and then Gus started the helicopter and they were off Poppie woke up "DYLAN WHY DID YOU DO THIS NOW IF MIKA FINDS US ALL OF US WILL DIE." Poppie said almost crying.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2014 ⏰

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