Untitled Story Part

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We walked through the streets of diagon alley as we came to ollivanders. "Come on we need to get our wands!" Emily said excitedly. She pulled me into the store. I have fo admit i waz excited for the both of us. As we stood in front of the counter Ollivander appeared from behind it. "Good morning girls" He said smiling. "Good morning to you too" We replied.

"So i guess you need a wand each?"we nodded. He quickly hurried off down one of the aisles. He soon returned with a small pile of boxes, he took the lid off the first then handed the wand to Emily. Emily waved it slightly and a small crack appeared in the side of the shelf. "No not that one" he muttered. Undoing another box. "How about this?" He asked handing the wand to her. This time the wand glowed a bright pink and Ollivander smiled. "That's the one!" He exclaimed excitedly. I smiled at my sister. She turned to face me "you're turn!" She squealed. I nodded walking over to the counter. He handed me a wand and i gave it a flick, the wand  glowed a dark red with a slight tint of black. "Remarkable!?" Ollivander looked at me shocked. "Excuse me but what is remarkable?" I asked politely. He leant against the counter. "That wand was the only one of it's kind that was made and the legend says that 'the one who is to have the one of a kind wand, has a brother and a sister and they together will defeat great evil' amazing" i stood listening intently. I had a sister, a brother? Not so sure. "What may i ask are your names?" He asked smiling.

"We're Emilia and Emily Potter" i replied his smile faded slightly. "You are identical triplets!" He said in shock. I looked at him confused. "You have a brother called Harry Potter you'll meet him when you get to Hogwarts" he concluded before taking the money and we left. "Well that was oddly strange" Emily said as we began to walk down the street. "Very weird indeed..."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2014 ⏰

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