Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Bad guys? Pfft! new friends! Pt 1

I woke up in a dark dungeon like place in a cell, I was quite confused on how I got here until I remembered being knocked out. Right next to me lay a file, I looked at it confused until picking it up finally and reading through it. The file was about a Sans called Nightmare from Dreamtale, well that name doesn't sound familiar at all. Oh wait it does! From Dream's file, his brother was named Nightmare and he was from Dreamtale as well. How peculiar, both brothers, both over 500, wow, yet both are the complete opposite. I re-read Nightmare's backstory over and over, humans AND monsters can be crueler than I thought, but then again, A human was the reason I have no home aren't they? So humans being cruel and mean wasn't as unexpected as the monsters being mean and so, so hateful. I was purely disgusted, I was glad I had no AU to care about anymore. It was still quiet and none of his followers had come in yet, I was just about to try escaping when another 3 files dropped on me labeled Dust Sans, X-Tale sans and Horror Sans. After reading through those I felt like killing any human I crossed paths with, which I wasn't going to do because I would never hurt anyone on purpose, even if they tried to hurt me. I would mostly threaten people and they would back off but fighting was out of the question so I would dodge until they got tired, then I would run off.

I sighed, figuring it was time to actually escape. I went up to the bars and slipped through, I was surprisingly skinny and the bars had big enough gaps to escape through. I skipped down the dark hall until I reached the door. 'That was easy' I thought, I walked up to the door about to open it when it opened on it's own and hit me in the face. "OW!" I shouted backing away from the door and rubbing my sore nose, the person who opened the door was shocked and confused. "How did you get out of your sell?!" A deep voice questioned, I looked up at them and my eyes widened. It was Nightmare Sans, the king of nightmares himself! I felt like I should bow, he was a king technically, so stupidly I did bow. I'm weird. He looked at me confused and I looked back at him. "S-sorry, you're the king of nightmares and I thought I should bow since your royalty" I said standing up again and dusting myself off awkwardly, I could have sworn he smiled a little. "Answer the question, how did you escape your cell?" He asked once more. I just went to a nearby cell and slipped through the bars and into the cell then doing it again to get out, he looked at me dumb founded. "Heh smarter than you look huh?" He asked, I blushed slightly at the compliment- or insult- Insluplement, there a new word. "Do you want me to go back in the cell or?" I asked

He shook his head "Perhaps I could do something else with you" He smirked. I gulped slightly but I knew if I didn't listen I would get injured very badly and I didn't want that. I walked up to him and stood in front of him waited for orders. He smirked using a tendril to lift my chin up to face him. "You're very obedient aren't you? At Least you know your place, unlike other whining prisoners" the tendril felt and looked gooey yet no goo went on my chin as he pulled his tendril away from my face. "Follow me" He commanded, I listened and followed him quietly passing many rooms, the halls were dark and black, I wondered where he was taking me until he led me into a room. "Stay here, I'll be back." Nightmare said as he teleported somewhere. I looked around the room, It was an ABSOLUTE MESS! "This won't do" I whispered to myself as I began cleaning the room putting everything in their obvious places. Clothes in the closet, Weapons on the bedside table and in the closet and dusted everything off and picked up rubbish, putting it in the trash and cleaning the bathroom. I smiled as the room now looked livable. Soon Nightmare back shocked,I was covered head to toe in dust and my hair was messed up, the fringe sticking up and dust all through it. "Wow..." was his only reaction and when his eyes caught sight of me he started laughing. I looked at him confused until he showed me a mirror and I blushed, embarrassed, and flattened my fringe down and shaking the dust off of myself.

Nightmare's laughing drew the attention of three skeletons from a nearby room while they were playing a game of Uno. They stopped their game to investigate and were surprised to see him laughing at a simple Human. She had (H/L) (H/c) Hair and stunning bright (E/c). She wore a (F/c) (Favorite Colour) Tank top and grey leggings and some Adidas shoes. As they inspected her they also noticed she had little drawings on her arms, they looked like markings and souls. As they tried to take a closer look at the girl as she flattened her fringe and shook the dust off of her they all tripped and fell on the floor causing Nightmare to stop laughing and look at them and (Y/n) looked at them surprised and smiled and waved. "Cross, Horror, Dust what are you doing!?" Nightmare growled, they sweat dropped and stood up quickly, (Y/n) giggled quietly at how scared they looked. Nightmare glared at me and I shut my mouth, he was clearly pissed off and didn't want to make him more mad. "S-sorry Nightmare!! We heard you laughing and got curious" Cross said shaking.

Nightmare lifted a tendril to most likely to beat them up but I walked up to him and stopped him, he looked at me confused for a moment. "They were just curious, no need to beat them up." I smiled towards him and he blushed slightly and the three looked at me shocked. "I just remembered something, My name's (Y/n)! It's nice to meet you Nightmare, Cross, Dust and Horror" I spoke happily, they all blushed this time. The all mumbled a 'nice to meet you too' to me. My smile grew bigger and I giggled. "Wow, did you clean this room up??" Dust asked. I nodded "Yup!" I spoke proudly of my work "Hence why I am so dusty" I looked down at myself. "Do you have anything to change into?" Horror asked, I nodded "I do but it's like a dress" The four looked at each other and nodded. "We can get you some new clothes and wash the clothes you're wearing now" Nightmare said, I was creepy how they kinda like talked in turns. I hesitantly agreed because it was the dress I used to wear in my old AU. I went into the bathroom to change and locked the door, I was not taking chances.

They waited for her to come out and blushed as she came out wearing a beautiful dress, It was hard to describe and the boys were left speechless.

They waited for her to come out and blushed as she came out wearing a beautiful dress, It was hard to describe and the boys were left speechless

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"Oh no did I break you guys??" She questioned worried. The boys snapped out of their trance and smiled kindly giving her compliments on her dress, she blushed brightly. 'Oooh boy' she thought 

YANDERE FILES {Harem x Reader} (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now