Fire and elma/ crush

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Fire and Elma

Raven was smiling? And cleaning the gang were hiding creeped out

Robin: uh who's gonna go out their and ask raven why she's so happy

Beast boy: uhh you dude your the leader!

Cyborg: uh huh!

Starfire: yes robin I am sorry

Robin cleared his throat

Robin: you are right star

Robin walked over to raven shaking

Robin: uhh raven what made you so happy

Raven: my friend fire and Elma are coming to visit!

The gang looked confused and raven rolled her eyes pulling out a book

Raven: fire a very powerful goddess and the next ruler of hell half demon and half human (Scottish) and Elma her best friend who is half demon and half human as well and is in waiting to rule a powerful country fire controls black magic and Elma lights magic

Robin: h.h.hell?

Beast boy: mama you joking

Cyborg: b.beast b.boy lol.look b.b.behind

Beast boy was shaking and someone went boo in his ear he screamed turning into a rat and running to cyborg

Beast boy: AAAHH!

Raven: fire Elma! How you doing

Robins mouth widened fire had long blond hair with a red stripe and wore a red fiery blackish hoodie and black jeans her eyes were navy blue (he got lost in them) and her hair was up in a ponytail she was pure white and his smile

He would've thought she was an angel if she wasn't the demon princess of hell

And beside her was elma she was shorter then fire and had brown hair with brown eyes she had a blue hoodie on and blue jeans her hair was also in a ponytail and she was smiling both girls looked or looked like te acted the same

It was a surprise they were best friends

Fire: hey guys

Robin: hello my names robin I am the leader of the teen titans

Robin puffed out his chest and stuck out his hands

Fire: my names fire

Her grip was crushing as she shook his hand she was clearly brave and wasn't scared

Fire: whats your superpower

Raven: you know mine

Beast boy: I can turn into animals

Elma: oh like teddy!

Beast boy: teddy?

A very proud black wolf dog emerged with red eyes growling at beast boy his eyes widened as the wolf-dog turned into a bat it's eyes glowing

Fire: that's teddy

Cyborg: that's a very weird name

Fire: and yours

Cyborg: isn't it obvious! I'm 90% machine!

Starfire: and I can fire the ray from my eyes and hands

Fire: uhh ok?

Robin: and I don't have a superpower

Fire: like your Batman's sidekick?


Raven looked at the emotionless face of fire and then she started laughing

Fire: your probably the only one who would shout in hells face

Elma: haha yep do you mind if we stay here?

Starfire: not at all new friends!

Fire: Elma!

Elma: what fire you've been working for to hard for an 14 year old

Robin: I see

He coughed into his hand

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