^Chapter One^

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"O my Queen, you have me as your faithful servant alone. We were twins, torn apart when our fates should have shone. O my Queen, to shield thee from danger's deadly call. I will sin, I will kill, I will sacrifice my all" I said bowing slightly to her majesty, Y/N.

I gently grabbed her hand and kissed it. She gave me a soft smile and and told me to stand up, I did just that as she jumped on me hugging me tightly. I spun her around causing her to laugh. I smiled at her as I set her down her black bangs starting to fall over her eyes //if you don't have bangs just roll with it// I brushed them away from her eyes and tucked them behind her ears as her bright blue eyes shined up at me, nearly as bright as a star in my opinion.

Even though we looked older, we weer only barely fourteen years old. I looked like I was seventeen Y/N looked like she was sixteen. We looked exactly alike even in height standing at five foot four. The only difference was how me styled our hair hers was in H/S and mine was in a low pony tail, and she had a very light shade of freckles and I did not. We both had black hair with a small with strip in the front on our right side and sapphire blue eyes.

Fourteen years ago we were both born into this hell. Praised and blessed by the people and the church's bell. Being in our family we must play by the rules. Even if we look the same, I am destined as your tool.

We don't know why and we were too young to understand why we were separated when we were children. We were making flower crowns in the garden when my mother just picked me up and carried me away, I tried reaching out for her but my mother wouldn't let me. I could no longer hold her hand.

Y/N decided to show me around the palace since it's been nearly eleven years since I've been there. If I'm being honest she was a heartless bit-h to the other servants like me but was kind, caring, and respectful towards me. It was most likely because I was her blood instead of being just hired for the money. Throughout the whole tour she wouldn't let go of my hand and held it tightly like if she let go I might disappear.

I was very thankful for me to be back here with her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2019 ⏰

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