The Ambassador Of Monsters

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a feeling of reassurance and relaxation following release from anxiety or distress.

"much to her relief, she saw the door open"

synonyms:reassurance, consolation, comfort, solace, calmness, relaxation, repose, ease

"it was such a relief to share my secret worries with her"


assistance, especially in the form of food, clothing, or money, given to those in special need or difficulty.

"raising money for famine relief"

synonyms:help, aid, assistance, succor, care, sustenance;

Word Count: 4061

Published: 07/23/2019

Edited: N/A


At first I wasn't so sure as to what I was seeing or hearing. The news was blaring full blast in the living room, both my parents sitting on different couches, wide eyed, open mouths, silent as they stared and listened. I didn't know whether or not to be happy or disgusted or maybe even confused. I wanted to cry, sure, but whether or not it was out of pure joy or fear, I was unaware. If anything the slight burning sensation in my nose, the tears forming in my eyes and held back sobs in my throat was a clear sign I was about to cry.

My parents, on the other hand, seemed to be feeling the exact opposite. Clear signs of disgust mixed with anger shadowed their faces as they watched the news reporter lean down to Frisk's height and ask a simple question.

"Who are your monster friends?" He was clearly wary of the tall (extremely, towering-like tall) monsters standing beside and behind Frisk.

The brown-haired kid made short, jerky movements with their hands and one of the monsters (a short (compared to the other monsters) skeleton in a blue jacket) spoke for them. "frisk is mute but I could speak for them, if you don't mind."

His deep baritone voice obviously startled the reporter as he jumped back, dropping the microphone as he glanced up at the skeleton with wide eyes. He muttered something the mic couldn't pick up as he shakily moved to pick it back up. "I-I wasn't aware you could speak English."

"OF COURSE WE CAN, LARGER HUMAN." The taller skeleton spoke up from behind the smaller, his voice a higher octave and loud; he was shouting.

The reporter began to seem uncomfortable in this situation. "Good to know," he muttered, "Anyways, you said you could speak for Frisk? Because, please do. We are all eager to hear what she wants to say."

"they," the skeleton corrected. He ignored the look and question the reporter sent him. Frisk turned to him and eagerly started signing. "'they're basically all my family. the fish is Undyne, reptile is Alphys, the taller skeleton is papyrus- he's the younger brother of sans, who is the shorter skeleton-, the robot is mettaton, the two goats are toriel and asgore, and the flower is flowey.'"

Frisk signed something Sans didn't translate and Flowey huffed an angry 'HEY' at them. I held back a laugh at what Frisk said. 'Our little grumpy baby.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2019 ⏰

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