1: Party

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Jungkook inspected his glossy black nails as the bio teacher at the front of the class talked about god knows what.

A small balled up paper flies across the classroom and hits Jungkook right upside the head,causing a few kids to chuckle.
He reaches down and unfolds the note to see chicken scratch writing that reads.

"There's this huge party later,at Kim Taehyung's. You coming? I heard you're little crush is gonna be there."

Jungkook rolled his eyes as he looked towards the back of the class to see Jimin slyly smiling at him.

Mere seconds later the school bell rings,and students scatter from their seats.
Jimin nudges Jungkook with his elbow as he looks up at him.

"Soooo?" Jimin sang.
"Nah,I uh, I have homework I need to do-"
"Perfect! I'll pick you up at 9 be ready!"

Before Jungkook could protest Jimin was already sliding through students to his next class.
The black haired boy sighed as he entered his math class.
"I don't even have anything to wear." Jungkook mumbled to himself.


Jungkook hated alcohol and drugs with a passion. But naturally, as a highschooler he had to pretend like he's tried everything under the sun.

Jimin tossed back his 7th shot as he looked over at Jungkook.
"You looking around for your little girlfriend?" Jimin teased as his eyes landed on none other than the head cheerleader,Park Chaeyoung.

"She's right there." Jimin yelled over the loud music.
Jungkook rolled his eyes. He had only said he liked Chaeyoung because Jimin wouldn't stop pestering him about it,not realizing it would backfire.

Jungkook leaned against the counter,conversing with Jimin before he felt a hand slide from his shoulder to his chest.
He looked down to see Chaeyoung smiling up at him,her eyes showing her obvious intentions.

"Can I help you?" Jungkook asked straight faced.
As she attempted to speak she hunched over and vomited all over Jungkook instead.
His eyes widened and he felt himself gag at the mixed scent of vomit and alcohol.

"Not cool Chae!" A husky voice called.
Everyone looked over to see none other than the Kim Taehyung standing with his hands in his pockets,along with a face of distain.
The girl's friends glared at Taehyung as they came and collected her.

Jungkook stared down at his vomit soaked clothing and let out a frustrated sigh.
He felt a light grip on his arm and before he knew it he was being dragged through the crowd by Taehyung.

He was pulled into a room and as the door shut the music had quieted down.
"Sorry about that. Let me get you a change of clothes." Taehyung spoke as he walked towards his closet.

"W-what? No it's okay really-"
"Get undressed while I get you something." Taehyung ordered as he walked around his closet.
Jungkook's face heated up as he slowly undid his belt.

"It's no big deal,Taehyung is a guy too so there was nothing to be nervous about...right?" Jungkook thought to himself.


Jungkook's pants fell to his ankles and he quickly took his shoes off,falling face first onto the floor in the process.
He rolled over and looked up to see Taehyung staring down at him with curiosity.

"Is this your way of trying to seduce me?" Taehyung chuckled as he leaned down,his face right above Jungkook's.
The younger felt his face get tingly at the boys remark.

"No I'm not g-gay." He mumbled,his wide doe eyes looking into Taehyungs fox like ones.
The older just gave him a warm smile and dropped the clothes beside his head.

"Change and have fun." Taehyung said before standing up and exiting the room. Jungkook let out an audible sigh as he put on the pair of black sweatpants.
He fell back onto the bed,taking his shirt off and throwing it across the room.

"I'm so exhausted and I haven't even done anything." Jungkook spoke out loud even though no one was listening.
He wanted to get up from the bed but it was so comfy,the blankets were silk and satin and that's when he took a moment to look around the room.

It was pretty elegant for a highschool student.
Jungkook stared at the roof before his vision started dimming.
The hum of the music slowly getting quieter before he was out cold.
In Kim Taehyung's room. Shirtless.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2019 ⏰

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