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Awful pop music blasted Hugo's ears and for what was probably the fiftieth time that night, he cringed at the sound of it. But he wasn't going to say a word, it was Stefan's party after all. He also had no idea where the birthday boy was.

He arrived at Stefan's parent's home an hour ago, pushing through the swarm of people to try and find a clear patch. He'd bought his own drinks so that he wouldn't have to worry about pushing through the crowd to get at the drinks Stefan had supplied. He'd been able to catch a glimpse of Renee chatting with a couple of her friends. She'd waved him over, but he'd shook his head. She didn't pressure him, she seemed to understand that it was bad enough being at the party.

She'd disappeared after that and he hadn't seen her since. Someone lit a bonfire not too long ago and he stood nearby it, but away from the group of men that had come running at the first chance of warmth. He didn't know any of them except Tomas, who gave him a drunken wave and a big smile. It wasn't even seven.

He sighed and sipped at his cider, watching people talk to each other with big smiles and loud laughs. He wanted to be a part of that, somewhere deep down, he longed for it. But he couldn't, not on his own. Maybe he should have accepted Renee's invitation. Maybe then he wouldn't be feeling bored and down. If only he could find Stefan.

It had only been an hour, he couldn't leave yet. He had to at least say hello to Renee and wish Stefan a happy birthday. He couldn't leave without saying. Or he could text them, he doubted they would mind that much. They understood that he couldn't handle social situations that well. And there were so many people.

He jumped when a face appeared in front of his, a big grin pulling at their lips. "Hey," Tomas said, "Renee sent Stefan and I a message to bring you to her if we find you."

Hugo frowned in confusion. "Why?" he asked.

"I dunno. She just wants to check on you, I think," Tomas replied with a shrug, "She said she was in the lounge room, come on."

The lounge room, which was inside the house, which was filled with what looked like hundreds of Stefan's family and friends. "Can't she come out here?" he asked, never taking his eyes away from the house.

Tomas followed his gaze and then looked back to him. "I don't know, man," he slurred, "All I know is that she wants to see you and I want another drink." He gestured for him to follow, stumbling towards the house with drunken laughter. With a deep breath, Hugo followed along behind him, pushing through the chatting and dancing people. He caught snippets of conversation and hints of European accents.

There weren't as many people inside the house, but it was still enough to make him nervous. Not once did he spot Stefan. He had no idea where the other man was, probably off talking to his other, more important friends. All the people at the party he had known far longer than he had known Hugo. It made sense that he wouldn't come to find him.

Renee sat on the couch in the lounge room with a couple of girls, grinning slyly at one of them. Tomas said something to him that he couldn't hear over all the noise and turned to leave. Hugo was tempted to follow him. Obviously, Renee was busy with the girl, he shouldn't interrupt her. Maybe she forgot she wanted to see him?

Then she locked eyes with him and stood from the couch with an excited cheer. "There you are!" she cried, stumbling over the legs of one of the girls on the floor. Her drink sloshed, some of it spilling on the floor with a wet slap. "I was wondering where you'd gotten to."

"This is the first time I've moved," he replied, frowning at her.

"Oh... Well, come sit!" She grabbed his wrist and forced him down on the couch next to her.

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