Truth or Dare

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„Oh no."
Andy muttered when the bottle stopped spinning right before him.
Trent just grinned broadly. The way he not only looked at Andy but also Jake gave the latter a bad feeling.
He never should have let Trent join their party.

His former best friend had been begging to be allowed to join them the whole last year.
It seemed that he was really interested in getting to know the guys Jake suddenly became friends with. He even listened to Jake about helping others instead of bullying them.

He also stopped picking on Felix and Andy and was joking around with them instead of making jokes at their cost.
His changed behaviour made Jake feel bad about still leaving him out so he finally asked the others if it was okay if Trent joined them tonight.
They all agreed, considering that the former bully was really trying to be better. Furthermore, now that they lost their magic, they would at least not have to hide anything.

Seeing Trents evil grin now, however, made him realise the mistake he made by letting him join on an evening with way too much boost and truth or dare.
Which was totally dumb considering that they had a boys night without any girls. Only in their drunken state they could have gotten the stupid idea to play this game.
Probably because the energy went out without a warning and now the only light they had were candles and a camping torch.
At some point they got extremely bored and ended up like this.

„What'cha take Andy."
Andy bit his lip, considering what could end worse.
Jake looked at him and back to Trent, concerned what his old friend was planning. He knew him too well to not worry. Especially because he was pretty sure it would involve him too. The looks Trent gave Andy and him were enough proof.

„Tr... no Dare."
Andy closed his eyes. Whatever he would take he was sure he would not like it at all.
He hoped that dare would give him something like running through town naked. What would be bad enough but he would prefer it over telling anyone about his deepest desires or who he was in love with.
Especially when this person was sitting right next to him.

Trents grin just grew wider.
„Glad you chose that. I've got just the thing for a prude nerd like you."
He used the word nerd more in a fond way just like Jake so Andy did not mind it. What he minded, however, was the mean grin on Trents face. It gave Andy a unease feeling.
Almost like before when he crossed Jakes and Trent's way and they would start bullying him.

Oscar, Sam and Felix just looked at Trent curiously.
It was his first go in the game and Jake warned them before that playing with Trent was the worst you could do to yourself. He was giving the hardest and most embarrassing tasks not minding if he was crossing lines others would not even dare to think about.

And Trent being drunk was extending his list of bad ideas exponentially.
And he definitely was drunk, probably much more then the rest of them.

„You're making Jake hard."
He let the words sink in. Looking like he was the most creative and smart person on the planet.

„Without touching him."

Trent added after a moment of deafening silence.

Sam first broke out of his paralysed state and spit out the liquid he was just drinking,
He coughed a moment.
„Dude, thats mean."

"Excuse me?"
Andy almost squeaked.
Did he hear that right?
That could not really have been what Trent said. Right?
He had to have misheard something.
Everyone was looking at Trent with open mouths.

"I think I got that wrong."

Jake just snorted beside him.
"No, you didn't. That's exactly what drunken Trent would dare you too."

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