Phantom of Chaos

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{Background voice} heavy voice of an old man. Aeons ago there was a war far beyond demons, & gods it was the war of the far greater creatures and supreme beings, they were up against the one only one, their ultimate motive was to destroy him. But he didn't want to go against them. His name no lips dare to speak aloud the great devourer older than the time he and his greatest powers and his name was a mystery to all. The Great War ended with the destruction of the greater creatures only one alone was standing victorious. But he was alone all alone in the great void. He didn't want to be alone. He was dwelling in the dark realm he was the center of everything. After dwelling all alone he forced himself into great exile, saying only one thing (none shall awake me). Then times have gone by millenniums gone he was forgotten of his existence but he still existed in legends and myths.

After a certain millennia, year 900 a certain place in the world named Aeppiaria kingdom, a land vast and beautiful beyond imagination it's great fields covered in flowers, big and beautiful hills, it's also known as the land of heaven ruled by a kind and brave king named Basilius Yumeno (he was tall kind-hearted, brave and muscular and had black hair) and his wife the queen Veronica yumeno (beautiful and kind-hearted woman with green eyes and brown hair). They resided in the vast castle near the white river, water as clear as crystal and filled with fishes the river passed by through the village the people lived in the kingdom had a very peaceful life everybody loved the king for his kind and just rule everyone in the kingdom was happy. They lived a peaceful life. One day king Basilius Yumeno called his minister his name was Zagan he was an old man with a long beard with a hat and a staff on his hand he always believed that the staff gave him support, he was a kind intelligent and jolly person. He arrived towards the king and asked yes my lord? The kind said I need to address my subjects today Zagan said as your wish, my lord. The next morning king Basilius called upon his subjects the arrived at the central plaza of the castle the king started his speech for his subjects, everybody in the kingdom was there old, young, kids, & everyone, they awaited for his speech he said my loyal subjects it's been a long time since we had a great game at our kingdom it was started during my ancestors but it was stopped, but now I king Basilius declare to start the game again. Everybody was happy and joyful the also wished to participate in the game. On behalf of the king, Zagan sends messages to other kingdoms to participate in the game. After a week many brave warriors and soldiers from other kingdom arrived at Aeppiaria kingdom to participate in the grand games. It was like a festival in the city the market was full of tourists there was a smile on everyone's face. The day before the grand games queen veronica was standing at the balcony of her room enjoying the full moon and the majestic scenery of the kingdom as the soft breeze floats through her hair. The Basilius asked what happened my queen you look unusually happy? She nodded and said it's nothing and hugged him hiding her blushing face.

The day of the grand games everybody was happy and was waiting for the starting of the games then inside the arena a person entered named Kasius he is the general of the king Basilius's royal army (kasius a tall and strict bearded man with Mohawk hairstyle and always carries a huge battle axe) he was strong, powerful and kind loved by everyone and he's the childhood friend of king Basilius. The declaration began from him (ladies and gentleman welcome to the grand games of Aeppiaria kingdom, as you can see many gladiators and brave warriors has come from various kingdoms to participate in this grand game which has not been held in 200 years but after 200 years king Basilius has started this game again but with a slight change in the rules no killing, only defeat your opponent and move on to the next round. The grand prize will not be grand but grandest anyone can ever imagine. The game goes on for 3 weeks after the last day of the grand games there was a winner he was a ranger from a small kingdom named (Elder land) his name was Balin the son of Fundin (used to be a legendary warrior) accompanying with him was his wife Astarte who accompanied him after the game the king himself gave him the grand prize the infinite diamond. The whole kingdom and their people were cheering the whole kingdom was happy it's like their happiness was never going to end. At the ending of the game Balin and Astarte said farewell to Aeppiaria they continued their journey for (Elder Land) they were happy but deep inside their heart had one deep despair they had no child of their own they always wanted one but they didn't have. Astarte rested her head at the shoulder of Balin and said when we will be truly happy? Balin had no answer for his wife, tears went down through his eyes his wife wiped his tears and said, as long as we have each other we will always be happy.

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